Medical Microbiology SSG

The Portfolio Pathway (formerly known as CESR) is the route to specialist registration for doctors who have not completed a GMC-approved programme in medical microbiology but who can demonstrate that they have the relevant knowledge, skills and experience.

Doctors applying for specialist registration via the Portfolio Pathway will need to provide evidence that they have the knowledge, skills and experience required to practise as a specialist in the UK. Doctors are no longer required to demonstrate equivalence to the respective CCT curriculum (a requirement of the previous CESR pathway) but must instead demonstrate how they meet the high-level outcomes, known as Capabilities in Practice (CiPs) in the pathology curricula, as set out in the medical microbiology curriculum.

The new Specialty Specific Guidance (SSG) sets out the evidence that doctors will need to provide to apply in medical microbiology. The Portfolio Pathway should allow applicants more flexibility and better identify relevant experience. In particular, doctors are asked to note that:

  • evidence from the last 10 years will be accepted although a small amount of older evidence can be considered where it provides a more complete account of breadth of practice, training and experience and achievement of the curriculum outcomes.
  • FRCPath or an equally robust specialist postgraduate examination will be the best way to demonstrate knowledge and the College is unable to define what alternative evidence would be acceptable from doctors who have not passed such examinations.

Doctors should read the following documents carefully to help prepare a good quality Portfolio Pathway application:

Doctors must complete the Portfolio Pathway Applicant Template to list evidence, map each piece of evidence to the relevant CIP and provide a commentary about how they have demonstrated that they have met the requirements of the CiPs using the evidence mapped to each one. Doctors are asked to submit a copy of the completed Portfolio Pathway Applicant Template to the GMC along with their Portfolio Pathway application.

Further information on the Portfolio Pathway route and how to apply can also be found on the GMC website.

Further information on the FRCPath in microbiology can be found in the FRCPath regulations and guidelines.

We advise doctors considering a Portfolio Pathway application to contact the Training team at the College for advice on evidence, etc. before applying to the GMC. Therefore, please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like us to have a look at your CV or if you have any further questions by emailing [email protected].

The College will be holding a Portfolio Pathway Webinar for potential medical microbiology applicants in Autumn 2025 and will publish the date and further information in due course.