New Trainee Welcome Days 2024

These free events are particularly aimed at new trainees commencing pathology training from August 2024.

The main purpose is:

  • to introduce new Trainee Pathologists to their College and its role
  • to understand Pathology Training Programmes and Examinations and the support available


Please see the video below for the webinar for the Histopathology New Training Welcome Day held on Friday 13 September.


Questions and answers

What are some common challenges trainees face during the FRCPath examination, and how can we best prepare for them early on in our training?

Can the RCPath exam fees be claimed from the Trust?

The CHCCT is required for presumably gynae cytology. Is there another separate exam for non-gynae cytology?

Where can we obtain our NTN?

When can you start applying for higher subspecialty training?

For those of us interested in paediatric PMs, in a region where they are not offered due to lack of paediatric pathologists, how could we go about trying to get some experience?

What are the skills /evidence demonstrating in ECE?

Is it possible to dual training for example paediatric and general histopathology?

It takes 2.5 years to complete ICPT which means you are already in ST3. Do you then transfer again to an ST3 post in the subspecialty

Can we finish general histopathology, and later can we do other specialties?

Can we use the Dip RCPath designation only if we are paying for this separately on the RCPath site?

Does passing part 1 prior to initiation of training, reduce the duration of the training?

When you say higher certificate training in cervical training is it only after finishing 5 years of training? Is there an option to branch out to cytology at ST3?

How many of non-invasive can be done in that 20 numbers?

If someone has passed FRCPath Part 1 exam before joining training due to prior experience can the training period be shortened?

I am currently experiencing problems sending out WBAs on LEPT.

What is the minimum level of seniority of staff to send tickets in order to complete SLE’s such as DOPS and ECE’S? For example: ST4 and above or only Consultants

When should we enter the ARCP details?

If there is an option to accelerate training after the first ARCP would we need to get the WBAs for both ST1 and ST2 in ST1?

Is it 3 MSFs per year?

Is there a form we need to complete for educational supervisor meetings?

Could you kindly explain what you mean by demonstrating curriculum outcome please?

How to find the corresponding CiP in the syllabus for each WBA?

Does results of FRCPath 1 need to be uploaded in LEPT website?

I have completed my Part 1 however it is not reflected in the LEPT system.

Should we upload the logbook both under Resources and Training and development?

Is this appropriate for ARCP? start date 7/8/2024 , end date 5/8/2025. ARCP date: 6/8/2025?

How often do we need to do an ESSR?

What should we be recording in the training rotations tab?

Where can we place our PDPs (personal development points) for the year? and where can we upload certificates for online training?

Do we upload the logbook in resources or training development?

Please clarify whether how long the MSF link lasts before it expires?

Do we need to individually link all the DOPs, AOP,CBD and ECE to the CiP on the resource tab for ARCP?

Under training rotation what do we fill for name and address of post and supervisor? Is it educational supervisor and name of the hospital?

With regards to the pathology portal - if you already have access to the learning hub via openAthens, does that mean that you cannot link it to your RCPath Account?


Chemical Pathology

Please see the video below for the webinar for the Chemical Pathology New Training Welcome Day held on Friday 6 September.


Questions and Answers

When should I expect to have a national training number?

I am currently LTFT 70%, is the number of assessments/DOPS showing on LEPT will be adjusted?

Medical Microbiology and Medical Virology

Please see the video below for the webinar for the edical Microbiology and Medical Virology New Training Welcome Day held on Monday 9 September.


Questions and answers

How does process of applying for tropical medicine work? Where / when do we hear about this?

Is it possible to apply for retrospective tropical medicine addition to CCT e.g. if have done OOPR with more than a year’s clinical work in Low-or middle-income countries and previous DTMH?

Is there any idea re a timeline for when we would find out about the next rotation in February? Just so we can start planning ahead.

How can we incorporate undertaking the DTM&H into our training? Have previous trainees taken OOP time for this?

Can we get funding for DTM&H as trainees?