Examination News and Dates

Any changes to the timing, content or structure of an exam will appear below. Examination dates, where known, can be found in the relevant dates page for each session:

Autumn 2025                   Spring 2025


Examinations News

FRCPath Part 2 Oral Pathology - guidance for candidates

A short video from the Oral Pathology panel chair providing further guidance for candidates attempting the examination.

Changes to the FRCPath Part 2 Examination in Toxicology

2 December 2024

The following changes to the Part 2 Toxicology examination have been made:

  • The necropsy component of the examination, which previously took place on site as part of the practical examination, will now be delivered as a casebook

Please see the document for further details on this change.

Changes to the FRCPath Examination in the Clinical Science Specialties

29 November 2024

The changes outlined in the document below will apply to the following specialties: Genetics, Haematology Clinical Science, Histocompatibilty & Immunogenetics, Molecular Pathology, Reproductive Science and Transfusion Science.

FRCPath Clinical Biochemistry Examination - Guidance for Candidates

A short video from the Clinical Biochemistry Panel Chair providing additional guidance to candidates attempting the FRCPath Clinical Biochemistry Examination, which can also be found on the specialty page:

Changes to the FRCPath Part 2 Clinical Biochemistry Examination Guidance for Clinical Scientists

Following the recent announcement regarding changes to the Part 2 examination in Clinical Biochemistry, further guidance for Clinical Scientists can be found in the following document:

Changes to the FRCPath Part 2 Clinical Biochemistry Examination 

6 June 2024

Following approval from the GMC, the below changes have been made to the Part 2 Clinical Biochemistry examination. These changes apply to both medics and clinical scientists:

  • Removal of Module 3 (written project). Please see below for further details. 

The following changes to Module 1 were initially approved by the GMC on a temporary basis as part of derogations during Covid-19, and will now be adopted as the permanent format: 

  • Module 1, paper 1 (OSPE): change station 19 from a face-to-face simulated encounter with a clinician to a written station assessing communication with patients and service users in writing.  
  • Module 1, paper 2 (Practical): change from 'bench practical testing' to a written assessment.  

Part 2 Module 3 (written project): 

For candidates who are HSST trainees, the DClinSci remains mandatory for completion of training (unless trainees are in possession of a relevant and timely PhD) but the requirement to submit a written project in order to achieve FRCPath is removed with immediate effect. Such trainees are asked to contact the NSHCS HSST TPDs if they have any questions about how this impacts their programme.

For medically qualified candidates who are due to CCT before 30 April 2025: 

Candidates must pass the written option as part of the FRCPath Part 2 exam in order to be eligible for a CCT. 

For all trainees who are due to CCT before April 2025, the options available will be expanded to include a casebook-style dissertation of a series of linked cases the trainee has been involved in, with an overarching summary or submission of an MSc thesis relevant to the specialty (a summary explaining the ongoing relevance of the thesis may be requested if written a significant period before submission as the trainee’s written option).  

The PhD, MD, published papers, and written project options will remain unchanged for the duration.   

For medically qualified candidates who are due to CCT on or after 1 May 2025: 

Candidates do not need to submit a written option as part of the FRCPath Part 2 exam in order to be eligible for a CCT. Any candidate in this category who has passed both the Module 1 and Module 2 examination must contact the Examinations Team as soon as possible with appropriate supporting evidence to confirm their eligibility for Fellowship. 

All other candidates (including those based outside of the UK and clinical scientists not in an HSST programme) with any further queries on the above changes should contact the Examinations Team as soon as possible at [email protected].

FRCPath Part 2 Histopathology International Examination Centres - Call for Expressions of Interest

The College is now receiving Expressions of Interest for international examination centres to host the FRCPath Part 2 Examination in Histopathology.

Expressions of Interest are sought from suitably experienced institutions willing to partner with the College to establish a regional examination centre for the delivery of the FRCPath Part 2 examination.

Institutions wishing to partner with the College must complete and submit the Expression of Interest Form available on our website. Applications from individuals without the support of an institution will not be considered.

The deadline for Expressions of Interest submissions is Monday 25 March. Forms must be emailed to [email protected]

FRCPath Part 2 Histopathology Webinar

21 March 2024

A webinar answering questions on the Histopathology Part 2 examination.


17 January 2024

A webinar was held on Friday 15 December 2023, addressing a range of questions on the content of the new ACICE examination.

Changes to the FRCPath Part 1 examination in Immunology

2 October 2023

Subject to approval from the GMC, changes have been made to the Part 1 Examination in Immunology. 

The examination will now be named the FRCPath Part 1 Examination in Allergy & Clinical Immunology/Allergy and Clinical Immunology Certificate Examination (ACICE). The changes to the examination are as below:

  • The old format of the examination covered the scientific principles underpinning the practice of clinical and diagnostic immunology, knowledge of the clinical aspects of immunology. The new format of the examination reflects the new Allergy & Immunology curriculum and will instead cover aspects of clinical knowledge in Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
  • The old format of the examination contained a mixture of short-note style questions and structured essay style questions. The new format of the examination now consists of two question papers that consist of short-answer questions.
  • Candidates should apply for either the FRCPath Part 1 Examination in Allergy & Clinical Immunology or the Allergy and Clinical Immunology Certificate Examination (ACICE). Please read the attached statement for guidance on which examination you should apply for.

Please see the statement below which contains further information on dates for the examination, as well as the application period for each exam and guidance on which examination you should take. Once the GMC have provided approval of the new format, the specialty page will be updated with further information on the new format as well as sample questions.


Junior Doctor and Consultant Industrial Action and FRCPath Examinations statement

15 September 2023

Changes to the FRCPath Part 2 Examination in Virology

20th June 2023

Following approval from the GMC in June 2023, changes have been made to the FRCPath Part 2 examination in Virology with effect from the Autumn 2023 sitting of the examination. 

The examination will now comprise of 3 components taken on a single day as follows:

  • OSPE, comprising of 15 stations taken over the course of 135 minutes (similar to the current OSPACE 1)
  • Complex Clinical Scenarios, comprising of three long cases taken over the course of 90 minutes (similar to the current OSPACE 2 Written)
  • Oral, comprising of 4 stations of 15 minutes duration each (similar to the current OSPACE 2 Verbal)

Please see the following document for more information: 

The Virology examination page and specialty-specific Regulations & Guidelines will be updated shortly to reflect these changes.


Junior Doctor Industrial Action and FRCPath Examinations statement

1st March 2023

Clinical Biochemistry Part 2 Old Format Oral Examination

1st July 2022

The last sitting for the old format Part 2 oral examination only in Clinical Biochemistry for those candidates who have sat the old format written and practical Part 1 will be Autumn 2023. After this time candidates who have sat the old format Part 1 will be transferred to the Part 2 Module 1 and 2 structure. 

Entry Criteria Veterinary Pathology Part 2 Changes Autumn 2022

22 June 2022

Veterinary Pathology Part 2 candidates will now need to complete an observed necropsy before entry can be confirmed for the Part 2 examination. Please refer to the specialty regulations on the website. 

Examination Arrangements Spring 2022

25 November 2021

In Spring 2022, the following examinations will be offered using online delivery to candidates:

  • All available Part 1 specialties (please see Appendix 3 in the Regulations and Guidelines for whether your specialty is offered in the Spring)
  • Certificate in Medical Genetics
  • Combined Infection Certificate Examination (CICE)
  • Diploma in Dermatopathology Written Examination

All Part 2 examinations, the CHAT, and practical Diploma examinations will continue to be held offline in person.

Please see the attached document for more information on the online examination platform. 

Examination Arrangements Autumn 2021 - update

29 June 2021

We are planning to return all Part 2 examinations, practical Diploma examinations, the CHAT, and the CHCCT to offline delivery this Autumn 2021, subject to any Covid-19 restrictions. The Part 1 will remain online, as per our earlier update. Candidates outside the UK are welcome to apply for these exams, but will be subject to all travel restrictions or quarantine requirements in place from the UK government at the time of the exam.

Transfusion Science examinations

21 June 2021

From 2022, the Transfusion Science examinations will return to the following pattern: 

  • The Part 1 examination will be offered once a year in Autumn.
  • The Part 2 examination will be offered once a year in Spring. 

This pattern was interrupted in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. 

Examination Arrangements Autumn 2021

17 June 2021


Changes to the FRCPath Part 2 Examination in Medical Microbiology

26 May 2021

Following approval from the GMC in May 2021, changes have been made to the FRCPath Part 2 examination in Medical Microbiology with effect from the Autumn 2021 sitting of the examination. We intend to return to running this examination in-person from Autumn 2021.

The examination will now comprise of 2 papers taken on a single day as follows:

  • Paper 1: Written Paper comprising of 10 SAQs and 5 complex scenario questions
  • Paper 2: OSPE comprising of 15 stations including face-to-face questions

Please see the following document for more information: 

The Medical Microbiology examination page and Regulations and Guidelines will be updated to reflect these changes shortly. 

Changes to the FRCPath Part 2 Clinical Biochemistry (Module 1) examination

28 April 2021

The College is pleased to officially confirm that we have received regulatory approval from the GMC for the proposed adaptations to the Part 2 Clinical Biochemistry (Module 1) examination. The College have had to make the following changes to the examination due to restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • The OSPE portion of the examination, which previously took place in-person at an examination centre, is now being moved online to be taken via TestReach including the communication station.
  • The Bench Practical examination will also take place online. The practical previously consisted of sections A (experimental planning), B (data analysis), and C (wet practical), will now consist of sections A and B only. Section C has been removed as the elements of section C which required the actual performing of an experiment could not take place due to COVID-19 restrictions. These elements have been incorporated into section A, with a 'knows-how' assessment of performing an experiment being added to section A. Additional time has been added to account for these changes.

Candidates have been notified by the College of these changes.

Spring 2021 Examination Attempts

3 March 2021

Temporary derogation regarding examination attempt numbers

In recognition of the ongoing pandemic and the challenges this presents for all candidates, the College has agreed a continuation of the temporary derogation regarding attempt numbers.  

Where a candidate may be unsuccessful in their attempt at an examination in Spring 2021 this will not be counted towards their overall attempts as follows:

  • For candidates on their first, second or third attempt, their attempt number would also be the same for their next sitting.
  • For candidates on their fourth attempt, their attempt number would also be the same for their next sitting and they would not need to apply to Council for permission to resit.
  • For candidates who have been granted permission by Council to sit the examination for a fifth or sixth attempt, they will not need to reapply for permission to resit their following attempt only.

This derogation is applicable to candidates sitting an examination in any format in the Spring 2021 examination session.

4 December 2020

Spring 2021 arrangements

12 November 2020

Histopathology Part 1 Examination - Autumn 2020 Update

Autumn 2020 Update for candidates sitting in-person examinations

30 September 2020

Autumn 2020 Examinations Update

4 September 2020

Part 2 Written Options change

2 September 2020

Candidates are required to submit their finished project no more than three years after the original proposal is accepted by the College. Under current guidance, candidates who do not submit within this time are required to apply for an extension or submit a new proposal.

In order to align arrangements for HSST and non-HSST Clinical Scientist candidates, the College guidance document for Part 2 Written Options will be updated to recommend that candidates experiencing an interruption to their training programme should submit a request to the College for the three year deadline to be paused for an appropriate length of time. Examples as to when this may be appropriate include parental leave, redeployment under Covid-19, or significant family care issues. 

Autumn Examinations Q&A

21 August 2020

View the questions that were answered at the webinar held on Friday 7 August.

Questions and answers

An obvious concern with candidates able to take the exam at home is that it will essentially be 'open book!' Is there too much reliance on probity?

Candidates will be fully live proctored via their webcam so any incidences of suspicious behaviour, such as repeated looking in a particular direction (e.g. downwards glances as if to look at a phone) or excessive toilet breaks, will be raised by the invigilator.

Could candidates take it at work with a consultant educator monitoring the exam (or perhaps have e.g. 5 socially distanced candidates at each hospital site)

You can take the examination in your workplace but it must be taken online in isolation from other candidates.

Could the exam be open book to make it fair across the board? Would help eliminate concerns re cheating.

The examinations will not be made open book and candidates are expected to abide by the Regulations and Guidelines which includes the Candidate Misconduct Policy.

For international candidates, will they be allowed to withdraw penalty free closer to the exam if local COVID restrictions prevent travel?

Yes, that is correct, if COVID restrictions prevent travel you will be allowed to withdraw penalty free - however, please note we will require evidence as to why you cannot attend the exam.

Given the low pass rate have the college put in place measures to provide guidance or support for candidates, for instance a virtual lecture series?

There are a number of revision courses and mock examinations available but these are not affiliated with the College.

How come exam fees have not been reduced?

There are still significant costs involved in setting up online examinations including software, licencing and proctoring costs which are covered by examination fees.

How many centres will be across the country for FRCPath Part 2 exam and how many candidates per centre?

We will confirm centres with candidates soon, but we can confirm there will be more centres than normal to accommodate fewer candidates per centre, so candidates can adequately social distance. 

I feel we will be tested on our typing skills not haematology knowledge. Will more time be allowed to accommodate typing?

As per previous published guidance, an additional 5 minutes per hour will be given for written papers.

If a candidate at short notice cannot sit the Histopathology part 2 exam in Oct (self- isolation/COVID) could there be places left available in Jan for them?

Candidates who cannot attend the exam in October 2020 will not be able to take it in January 2021, and instead will have to wait until Spring 2021. There may be some case by case exceptions to this.

If you cannot secure a January date rather than October, will you still be able to withdraw even if it is after 3rd August?

Part 2 Histopathology candidates have already been informed of which date they have been allocated to.
Once a final decision has been made with regard to Haematology, candidates will be asked for their preference (if a January sitting is going ahead). Candidates who do not receive their preferred date and are unable to sit the exam on the date allocated will be entitled to withdraw with a refund.

Is it still acceptable to make paper notes alongside completing the exam online e.g. when planning answers to the essay questions?

This is covered in the previously published Online FAQ document (below), but no, it will not be possible for candidates to make paper-based notes whilst completing online examinations to preserve the integrity of the examination. Notes and annotations can be made on the online software. Update: candidates may now use a small, handheld whiteboard for making notes during the exam. Please see the Online FAQ below for full details. 

Is there any plan to move to a modular system for FRCPATH part 2?

A number of Part 2 examinations have already been modularised where it is practical to do so, such as Clinical Biochemistry, Genetics and Immunology. There are no plans to modularise any specialties which have not already taken this route.

Is there any provision for candidates with dyslexia?

Reasonable adjustments will be granted in line with the recommendations made in your supporting evidence. If you have been given additional time, then this will be included. Font sizes and colour backgrounds will be able to be changed within the TestReach system.

Microbiology is extended now to 3 days, how will orals work?

The face to face components of the OSPE will be delivered on a separate day to the written stations via video conferencing.

A question I have been asked as virology rep: Online exam compliance with GDPR

TestReach is fully GDPR compliant. Video footage will be temporarily stored in line with GDPR. This is strictly for the purposes of investigating incidents that may take place during an examination. For oral examinations, video footage will be temporarily stored for moderation purposes.

the wait between the exam and result day is very long especially for those whose exam was cancelled in spring- will it be possible to release results earlier?

Results take time to be processed, including marking and moderation, so it will not be possible to bring forward the results date.

What does an environment check involve and what criteria must the environment fulfil? If there is an issue with the environment how is this normally resolved?

The environment check ensures that candidates have no ready access to material such as text books, notes or other electronic devices. The invigilator will ask for any such material to be removed from the room or placed out of reach. 

What guidance will be given to deaneries with regards to extensions to training required as a result of postponing some candidates FRCPath part 2 exam to Jan?

Candidates were offered the choice of sitting in October or January and all candidates received their first choice. As per previous guidance, all candidates were encouraged to choose their examination sitting after consultation with their Educational Supervisor.

What happens if there is an interruption to internet connection

Please see the previously published Online FAQ document for the answer to this question:

What happens if internet connection is lost during online exam

Please see the previously published Online FAQ document for the answer to this question:

What is the contingency of holding exams if a 2nd wave of COVID-19 prompts (a) nationwide and / or (b) local lockdown(s)?

The majority of exams are being held online and so will not be affected. We are doing what we can to avoid lockdown complications for those exams being held in person, such as minimising candidate and examiner travel where possible, and having extra examiners on standby. Arrangements for these exams will be held under ongoing review. 

What is the procedure in the event of internet disruption; if they manage to get logged back in again do they lose all their previous answers?

If your internet drops out, you will be guided by on-screen instructions to reconnect to the exam. Your answers will be safe if this happens, as all data is automatically saved by the system at regular intervals and any time you move to a new question.

What options are available for candidates with severe dyslexia and slow typing speed? Is there an option to use a voice recorder?

Reasonable adjustments will be granted in line with the recommendations made in your supporting evidence.

When will Immunology FRCPath part 2 dates be confirmed? Candidates will need to book study leave- will dates be announced with less than 6 weeks’ notice?

As soon as we have confirmation from the examiners of the dates, they will be published on our website. Update: these are now available on the News and Dates page. 

When will they find out the time of their exam, morning vs. afternoon on 30 Sept

Candidates will be informed of this information soon.

Will the exam contain any specific questions on COVID 19 given the rapidly evolving literature

The examinations are mapped to the current curricula for each specialty so candidates should familiarise themselves with the content of these ahead of the examination. It should be noted that some specialty curricula do reference related content (e.g. novel coronavirus).

Will the software allow for flow diagrams/tables in the essay questions in part one?

This feature will be available for all essay papers. You will be able to create tables and use a drawing tool to create diagrams.

Will there be an extra sitting exclusively for candidates who were supposed to sit exams in the Spring? If not it disadvantages those in small specialties.

All candidates who were due to sit in Spring have been deferred to the Autumn sitting, regardless of when the usual timing of their examination is.

Will there be any changes in the format FRCPath Part 1 haematology, in particular the essays? Will it still be the long essays, or short format questions?

There will be no changes to the format of any of the examinations, only the delivery method has changed.

Will those sitting electronic exams receive a partial refund as the College are no longer paying for room bookings or invigilation?

There are still significant costs associated with running online examinations such as software, licencing and invigilation costs so the fees will remain the same.

Will trainees be able to look forward and go back to questions for SAQS to add bits later on and correct if necessary or is it a 'one way' through the exam?

The online examinations will replicate the scenario of a paper based examination so for the majority of question types you will be able to go back and forth between questions, but in some - such as OSPEs where questions are timed - you will not be able to.

Will we be able to use electronic drawing implements (i.e. e-drawing pad) for the FRCPath part 1 exams or will there be an appropriate tool to draw diagrams?

This feature will be available for all essay papers. You will be able to create tables and use a drawing tool to create diagrams within your essays.

Will we be able to withdraw with a full refund if the software does not suit how we have revised answering questions once we have had chance to trial this?

There will be no changes to the format or content of the questions and past/sample papers are available on the website under each specialty for you to familiarise yourselves with them.

Will you be allowed a calculator now that part 1 has more calculations in it?

Yes, candidates are permitted to use a non-programmable scientific calculator. There is also a simple calculator available in the TestReach system.

With online invigilators via webcam/mic, if doing the exam at work in a room with other candidates does each pc need a webcam/mic or is one in the room ok?

Each device requires its own webcam and microphone so that the invigilator can observe the individual candidate. Candidates are not permitted to sit the exam in a room with other candidates. 



Temporary derogation of examination attempt numbers, Autumn 2020

30 July 2020


Autumn 2020 Arrangements

27 July 2020

The following documents contain information regarding the delivery methods for the Autumn examinations and some frequently asked questions to accompany the Spring 2020 deferral questions. Please read both new documents.

Candidate conduct

16 September 2019

While the vast majority of candidates behave with complete integrity, following some recent incidents candidates are reminded that when they apply to sit one of the College's examinations they agree to abide by the Examinations Regulations and Guidelines.

These Regulations and Guidelines include a candidate misconduct policy. Candidate misconduct can take many forms, including memorising questions from an examination and reproducing them elsewhere (regardless of whether this is done for profit).

The College owns the copyright for its examination questions. Unauthorised reproduction of examination questions will be treated as breach of copyright and candidate misconduct.

Penalties for proven candidate misconduct can include declaring the result of an exam void, barring a candidate from applying for College examinations for a specified period, and reporting details of the misconduct to the General Medical Council, Health and Care Professional Council or equivalent regulatory body. Where the College's intellectual property has been infringed, the College also reserves the right to initiate civil proceedings, criminal prosecution or both.

Current and potential examination candidates are strongly encouraged to familiarise themselves with the College's Examination Regulations and Guidelines, which can he found here.

Changes to the Part 2 examination in Immunology

9 May 2019

The FRCPath Part 2 Immunology examination comprises three parts: a practical examination, an oral examination, and a written project.

The General Medical Council has approved the following changes for candidates in a UK medical training programme:

Trainees with a CCT date on or before 30 April 2020

The examination format is unchanged. Trainees must pass the FRCPath Part 2 Immunology examination including the written option as part of the FRCPath Part 2 exam in order to be eligible for a CCT in Immunology.

Trainees with a CCT date on or after 1 May 2020

Trainees must pass the FRCPath Part 2 examination but this does not need to include the written option. Trainees will, however, need to demonstrate that they have completed all relevant Work Place Based Assessments (which will be checked at ARCP) in order to be eligible for a CCT in Immunology.

Arrangements for Clinical Scientists sitting this examination are unchanged.

Changes to the Part 1 examination in Clinical Biochemistry

23 October 2017

From Autumn 2018, the Royal College of Pathologists will introduce a new format for the FRCPath Part 1 Clinical Biochemistry examination. The new examination will comprise a single paper of 125 multiple choice questions (MCQs) in single best answer format. 

Changes to the Part 1 examination in Veterinary Clinical Pathology

1 September 2017

From Spring 2019, there will be a change in the format of the Part 1 examination in Veterinary Clinical Pathology. The examination will comprise of two three hour papers each consisting of 20 structured short answer questions: sample questions and some further guidance can be found in the documents below.

Changes to the Genetics Examinations

15 December 2016

From 2018, candidates who have been successful in the Part 1 Practical examination will continue to proceed to the Part 2 Oral examination. Candidates who are successful in the written examination but not the practical examination will proceed to a new format Part 2 Oral and Practical examination in combined Genetics regardless of the written paper taken. The Part 1 written examination will be available in the Autumn session only and the Part 2 practical and oral in the Spring session only. The Part 1 examination will be offered in the combined Genetics only. The standard of the practical in Part 2 will be comparable to the practical in Part 1. 

The Part 2 oral examination in Clinical Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics will be available until Spring 2020.

The Part 2 examination will be modularised so candidates will have the option to sit their practical and oral components in separate sittings and in an order which best fits their training. Candidates will no longer need to have passed their Part 2 written option before proceeding to the Part 2 Oral/Practical or Oral examination but must have their project proposal approved prior to the closing deadline for the examination session in which they wish to sit.

Reproductive Science (formerly Clinical Embryology)

30 November 2016

Candidates who have previously taken and passed the Part 1 Practical examination will be eligible to proceed to the Part 2 Oral examination until Autumn 2020. This will be offered in both sessions.

Candidates who have passed the Part 1 Written examination but not the Part 1 Practical examination will proceed to the new format Part 2 Oral and Practical Examination, details of which are available on the specialty page for Reproductive Science.

Candidates will no longer need to have passed their Part 2 written option before proceeding to the Part 2 Oral/Practical or Oral examination but must have their project proposal approved prior to the closing deadline for the examination session in which they wish to sit.

Changes to the Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Examinations

30 November 2016

From 2018, candidates who have been successful in the Part 1 Practical examination will continue to proceed to the Part 2 Oral examination. Candidates who are successful in either the new format written examination or the old format written examination but not the practical examination will proceed to a new format Part 2 Oral and Practical examination.

Candidates will no longer need to have passed their Part 2 written option before proceeding to the Part 2 Oral/Practical or Oral examination, however from Spring 2020 they must have their project proposal approved prior to the closing deadline for the examination session in which they wish to sit.

Confirmation of routes to FRCPath Part 2 examination in Molecular Pathology

3 March 2016

We have produced guidance on routes to the FRCPath Part 2 examination in Molecular Pathology. Full details can be found on the Molecular Pathology specialty information page