Apply and Pay Online

All candidates must read the Examinations Regulations and Guidelines plus the relevant Regulations for their specialty before applying for an examination.

All candidates are allowed 4 attempts at each component of the examination. Any candidate who would like to sit an exam more than 4 times must have their Educational Supervisor (or equivalent) complete and submit the Additional Attempt forms below for the College Council. Each case will be considered by a Mitigating Circumstances Panel and the Director of Examinations before being presented to Council. Candidates are advised to submit this paperwork at least 8 weeks before Council meets; further information on these deadlines can be found below. All additional attempt requests should be emailed to [email protected]

Your existing applications

If you have previously saved – but not completed – an exam application, it will be shown here. Please click on the button below to continue filling out your application.

You do not have any saved applications.

Examination Fees 2025