Learning Environment for Pathology Trainees (LEPT) system
The Learning Environment for Pathology Trainees (LEPT) system is primarily for medical trainees in chemical pathology (including metabolic medicine), histopathology (including subspecialty trainees in cytopathology), forensic pathology, diagnostic neuropathology, paediatric and perinatal pathology and also oral and maxillofacial pathology.
The LEPT system is also available to trainees in the above medical specialties who are participating in the International Trainee Support Scheme (ITSS) and the Medical Training Initiative in Pathology - MTI(Path) and to doctors preparing an application for a Portfolio Pathway route (formerly CESR).
The LEPT system is an ePortfolio which is designed to capture trainees' progress during training. It records workplace-based assessments including multi-source feedback (MSF) and a functionality to support the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) process. The ePortfolio also provides the Educational Supervisor Structured Report (ESSR) which gives a snapshot of a year's training which is used to inform the ARCP.
It is for Specialty Registrars (StRs) appointed to one of the following:
- A specialty training programme with a National Training Number (NTN)
- A locum appointment for training (LAT)
Medical microbiology and medical virology trainees are required to use the JRCPTB ePortfolio.
Various documents are available on The LEPT system
Demonstration of the LEPT System... Deaneries/LETBs are reminded that face-to-face or remotely-held demonstration of the LEPT system can be arranged. For further information or to make arrangements for a demonstration, please contact the Assessment Team via email at: assessment@rcpath.org.