UK SMI Consultations

Open consultations

There are currently no open consultations.

Closed consultations

Our closed consultations are arranged by year and sorted by their area

UK SMI Consultations: Identification

UK SMI ID 06: identification of Neisseria species

UK SMI ID 12: Identification of Haemophilus species and the HACEK group of organisms

UK SMI ID 15: identification of Actinomyces and reclassified species

UK SMI ID 17: Identification of Pseudomonas species and other non-glucose fermenters


UK SMI Consultations: Syndromic

UK SMI S 13: painful and/or discharging ear

UK SMI S 06: Infectious syndromes affecting the genitourinary tract and reproductive organs

UK SMI Consultations: Virology

UK SMI V 37: Chlamydia and gonorrhoea infection – testing by Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests (NAATs)

UK SMI V 44: Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis

UK SMI V11: HIV screening and confirmation


UK SMI Consultations: Bacteriology

UK SMI B 05: Investigation of nasal and paranasal sinus samples

UK SMI B 10: Investigation of faecal specimens for Clostridioides difficile