Syndromic documents
Development of syndromic documents is new to the UK SMI repository and is identified as priority work for the Standards Unit as set out in the UK SMI 5 year strategy (2020-2025). The technical documents will be reviewed in line with the overarching syndromic document.
S 1 - Acute infective hepatitis
Issue date: 13 February 2014
Issue number: 1.3
Related UK SMI
The following UK SMI provide supporting information related to this syndromic algorithm
- B 37: investigation of blood cultures (for organisms other than Mycobacterium species)
- B 41: investigation of urine
- V 4: investigation of hepatitis B infection
- V 5: screening for hepatitis C infection
- V:11 Laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection
- V 27: hepatitis A virus acute infection serology
- V 28: Investigation of cytomegalovirus infection
- V 30: Investigation of exposure to vesicular and non-vesicular rash in pregnancy/a>
- V44: Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis
S 2 - Pneumonia
Issue date: 17 March 2014
Issue number: 1.2
Related UK SMI
The following UK SMI provide supporting information related to this syndromic algorithm:
- B 26: investigation of fluids from normally sterile sites
- B 37: investigation of blood cultures (for organisms other than Mycobacterium species)
- B 40: investigation of specimens for Mycobacterium species
- B 57: investigation of bronchoalveolar lavage, sputum and associated specimens
- V 28: Investigation of cytomegalovirus infection
S 3 - Conjunctivitis
Issue date: 18 March 2014
Issue number: 1.2
Related UK SMI
The following UK SMI provide supporting information related to this syndromic algorithm:
S 5 - Meningoencephalitis
Issue date: 8 May 2014
Issue number: 1
Related UK SMI
The following UK SMI provide supporting information related to this syndromic algorithm:
S 6 - Infectious syndromes affecting the genitourinary tract and reproductive organs
Issue date: 25 February 2025
Issue number: 2
Please note that the title has been changed from ‘Sexually transmitted infections’ to ‘Infectious syndromes affecting the genitourinary tract and reproductive organs’
Related UK SMI
The following UK SMI provide supporting information related to this syndromic algorithm:
- B 28: Investigation of genital tract and associated specimens
- B 41: Investigation of urine
- ID 6: Identification of Neisseria species
- ID 15: Identification of Actinomyces species
- V 11: Laboratory diagnosis of HIV
- V 37: Chlamydia trachomatis infection : testing by nucleic acid amplification test (NAATs)
- V44: Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis
S 7 - Gastroenteritis
Issue date: 08 October 2024
Issue number: 2.2
Please note that the title has been changed from ‘Gastroenteritis and diarrhoea’ to ‘Gastroenteritis’.
S 11 - Red or painful eye
Issue date: 17 May 2023
Issue number: 1
Related SMI
The following UK SMIs provide supporting information related to this syndromic algorithm:
- ID 01: Introduction to the preliminary identification of medically important bacteria and fungi from culture
- ID 02: Identification of Corynebacterium species
- ID 04: Identification of Streptococcus species, Enterococcus species and morphologically similar organisms
- ID 12: Identification of Haemophilus species and the HACEK group of organisms
- V 37: Chlamydia trachomatis infection: testing by nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT)
- S 3: Conjunctivitis
S 12 - Sepsis, and systemic or disseminated infections
Issue date: 31 January 2023
Issue number: 1
Related SMI:
The following UK SMIs provide supporting information related to this syndromic algorithm:
- UK SMI B 17: Tissues and biopsies from deep-seated sites and organs
- UK SMI B 20: Investigation of intravascular cannulae and associated specimens
- UK SMI B 22: Investigation of cerebrospinal fluid shunts
- UK SMI B 39: Investigation of dermatological specimens for superficial mycoses
- UK SMI B 40: Investigation of specimen for Mycobacterium species
- UK SMI B 41: Investigation of urine
- UK SMI B 57: Investigation of bronchoalveolar lavage, sputum and associated specimens
- UK SMI ID 04: Identification of Streptococcus species, Enterococcus species and morphologically similar organisms
- UK SMI ID 07: Identification of Staphylococcus species, Micrococcus species and Rothia species
- UK SMI ID 12: Identification of Haemophilus species and the HACEK group of organisms
- UK SMI V 11: Laboratory diagnosis of HIV
- UK SMI V 28: Investigation of cytomegalovirus infection
- UK SMI V 43: Investigation of viral encephalitis
- UK SMI V 44: Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis
S 13 - Painful and/or discharging ear
Issue date: 16 September 2024
Issue number: 1.1
Related SMI
The following UK SMIs provide supporting information related to this syndromic algorithm:
- B 5: Investigation of nasal samples
- ID 01: Introduction to the preliminary identification of medically important bacteria and fungi from culture
- ID 04: Identification of Streptococcus, Enterococcus species and morphologically similar organisms
- ID 07: Identification of Staphylococcus species, Micrococcus species and Rothia species
- ID 12: Identification of Haemophilus species and the HACEK group of organisms
- ID 17: Identification of Pseudomonas species and other non glucose fermenters