Bacteriology Identification standards covering techniques used for bacterial identification.
ID 1 - Introduction to the preliminary identification of medically important bacteria and fungi from culture
Issue date: 23 Sep 2021
Issue number: 3
ID 2 - Identification of Corynebacterium species
Issue date: 16 May 2023
Issue number: 5
ID 3 - Identification of Listeria species
Issue date: 2 June 2020
Issue number: 4.1
ID 4 - Identification of Streptococcus species, Enterococcus species and morphologically similar organisms
Issue date: 22 September 2021
Issue number: 4
ID 5 - Identification of Bordetella species
Issue date: 10 August 2020
Issue number: 4
ID 6 - Identification of Neisseria species
Issue date: 26 February 2024
Issue number: 4
Related UK SMI
The syndromic algorithm S 6: sexually transmitted infections provides supporting information related to this UK SMI.
ID 7 - Identification of Staphylococcus species, Micrococcus species and Rothia species
Issue date: 26 May 2020
Issue number: 4
ID 8 - Identification of Clostridium species
Issue date: 1 March 2016
Issue number: 4.1
Related UK SMI
The syndromic algorithm S 7: Gastroenteritis provides supporting information related to this UK SMI.
ID 9 - Identification of Bacillus species
Issue date: 4 April 2018
Issue number: 3.1
Please note: RUCs for this document is not available.
ID 10 - Identification of aerobic actinomycetes
Issue date: 28 October 16
Issue number: 2.2
ID 11 - Identification of Moraxella species and morphologically similar organisms
Issue date: 3 February 2015
Issue number: 3
ID 12 - Identification of Haemophilus species and the HACEK group of organisms
Issue date: 17 September 2024
Issue number: 5
Related information
The HACEK group refers to
- Haemophilus species
- Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (formerly Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans)
- Aggregatibacter aphrophilus (formerly Haemophilus aphrophilus and Haemophilus paraphrophilus)
- Cardiobacterium hominis
- Eikenella corrodens
- Kingella species
ID 13 - Identification of Pasteurella species and morphologically similar bacteria
Issue date: 4 February 2015
Issue number: 3
ID 14 - Identification of anaerobic cocci
Issue date: 4 February 2015
Issue number: 3
Please note: RUCs for this document is not available.
ID 15 - Identification of Actinomyces species
Issue date: 08 February 2024
Issue number: 3.1
Please note that the title has been changed from ‘Identification of anaerobic Actinomyces species’ to ‘Identification of Actinomyces species’.
ID 16 - Identification of Enterobacteriaceae
Issue date: 13 April 2015
Issue number: 4
ID 17 - Identification of Pseudomonas species and other non glucose fermenters
Issue date: 17 September 2024
Issue number: 4
Please note that the title has been changed from ‘Identification of glucose non-fermenting gram negative rods’ to ‘Pseudomonas species and other non glucose fermenters’.
ID 18 - Identification of Legionella species
Issue date: 14 April 2015
Issue number: 3
ID 19 - Identification of Vibrio and Aeromonas species
Issue date: 14 April 2015
Issue number: 3
Please note that the title has been changed from 'Identification of Vibrio species' to ‘Identification of Vibrio and Aeromonas species’.
ID 20 - Identification of Shigella species
Issue date: 22 April 2022
Issue number: 4
ID 21 - Identification of Yersinia species
Issue date: 26 June 2015
Issue number: 3
Please note that the title has been changed from ‘Identification of Yersinia species from faece’ to ‘Identification of Yersinia species’.
ID 22 – Identification of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli using conventional methods
Issue date: 16 May 2023
Issue number: 5
Please note that the title has been changed from ‘Identification of vero cytotoxin producing Escherichia coli O157’ to ‘Identification of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) using conventional methods’
ID 23 - Identification of Campylobacter species
Issue date: 2 March 2018
Issue number: 3.1
ID 24 - Identification of Salmonella species
Issue date: 12 March 2021
Issue number: 4
ID 25 - Identification of anaerobic Gram negative rods
Issue date: 29 June 2015
Issue number: 2
ID 26 - Identification of Helicobacter species
Issue date: 3 July 2015
Issue number: 3