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From the Editor

Bulletin Editor

A very Happy New Year to all our readers.

It’s always natural to look to the future in January – and there is nothing more important than investing in the health of the next generation. One of the most concerning findings of Lord Darzi’s rapid review of the NHS, published last year, was that children’s health in the UK has deteriorated over the past 15 years. So, the Bulletin starts 2025 with a focus on challenges and advances in paediatric practice within our specialties, an area that doesn’t always receive the attention it deserves. We have 7 theme feature articles from a wide range of specialties and I’m delighted that we carry a guest editorial from the office of the Children’s Commissioner for England, for whom child health is a priority area. Working to optimise the services we offer to children makes a great new year’s resolution that should be taken very seriously.

From the Editor – January 2025

From the President

Dr Bernie Croal

Welcome to 2025!

Firstly, a warm welcome to you all from the College to the year 2025. This edition of the Bulletin, the first for this year, focuses on paediatric pathology. While this is a relatively small specialty, its importance to and effect on patients, families and healthcare cannot be understated. If we bring prenatal, perinatal and paediatric pathology together, as we do for our specialty advisory committee, then we see a very rich, wide and complex set of overlapping sub-specialties that provides a huge variety of important services across healthcare. Finite capacity and resources, of course, mean that if one part comes under pressure, then this is felt across all related services. The challenges being faced will soon be felt across all our disciplines.

From the President – January 2025


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