Bulletin references January 2025
You can read the January 2025 Bulletin here.
Paediatric pathology
Children's Commissioner guest editorial: Creating the healthiest generation of children yet
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Current advances and issues in the diagnosis and management of primary immune deficiencies in children
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- Gene Editing Approach Paves the Way to First-in-Human Clinical Trial for Rare Genetic Disease
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Challenges in paediatric infection practice
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Beyond the tooth: The far-reaching impacts of dental caries
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Challenges in paediatric laboratory medicine
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New developments in childhood vaccination and immunisation in England
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Innovation in paediatric and perinatal pathology
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The frontline of paediatric brain tumour diagnostics: Advances, challenges and opportunities
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- Buckland ME, Sarkar C, Santosh V, Al-Hussaini M, Park SH, Tihan T et al. Announcing the Asian Oceanian Society of Neuropathology guidelines for Adapting Diagnostic Approaches for Practical Taxonomy in Resource-Restrained Regions (AOSNP-ADAPTR). Brain Pathol 2024;34(2):1–4.
- Wang Y, Zhao Y, Bollas A, Wang Y, Au KF. Nanopore sequencing technology, bioinformatics and applications. Nat Biotechnol 2021;39(11):1348–1365.
- Robertson EG, Wakefield CE, Tsoli M, Kellie SJ, Alvaro F, Gifford AJ et al. Neuro-Oncology Advances for high-grade gliomas: benefits and suggested improvements. Neurooncol Adv 2021;3:1–9.
- Frenkel B, Gerasimov E, Gustafson A, Gustafson P, McLean G, Ochasi A et al. Postmortem tissue donation: Giving families the ability to choose. J Clin Oncol 2023;41(3):447–451.
College news
Introducing our new Sustainability Lead for Pathology Practice, Dr Shireen Kassam
- RN Salas. A pathway to net zero emissions for healthcare. BMJ 2020;371: m3785.
On the agenda
Helping our members optimise their clinical consultation activity in a time of workload pressures and workforce shortages
- Ratnaraja N, Davies A, Hughes H. Tools for optimising clinical consultation activity in infection services in the United Kingdom. Clin Infect Pract 2024;24:100378.
- The Royal College of Pathologists and the British Infection Association. The infection sciences workforce: challenges and solutions. A Meeting Pathology Demand briefing. Available at: https://www.rcpath.org/static/27a069ea-3ff6-46bb-b691c26c58a5f16f/The-infection-sciences-workforce-report-Final.pdf
- Ratnaraja N, Davies A, Atkins BL, Dhillon R, Mahida N, Moses S et al. Best practice standards for the delivery of NHS infection services in the United Kingdom. Clin Infect Pract 2021;12:100095.
An update on cervical cancer screening in Moldova in collaboration with the College
- Williams J, Rakovac I, Victoria J, Tatarinova T, Corbex M et al. Cervical cancer testing among women aged 30–49 years in the WHO European Region. Eur J Pub Health 2021;31:884–889.
- NHS Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust. Pathology consultant lends expertise overseas. Accessed November 2024. Available at: www.mtw.nhs.uk/2024/07/pathology-consultant-lends-expertise-overseas/h
- United Nations Moldova. Moldova has made progress in the prevention of cervical cancer. The subject was discussed during an international conference in Chisinau. Accessed November 2024. Available at: moldova.un.org/en/273677-moldova-has-made-progress-prevention-cervical-cancer-subject-was-discussed-during
- ICO/IARC Information Centre on HPV and Cancer. Republic of Moldova Human Papillomavirus and Related Cancers, Fact Sheet 2023. Accessed November 2024. Available at: hpvcentre.net/statistics/reports/MDA_FS.pdf
The William Tong Prize 2024 – Unveiling the unknown: metagenomics to diagnose unexpected causes of encephalitis
- Hurley S, Eden JS, Bingham J, Rodriguez M, Neave MJ, Johnson A et al. Fatal Human Neurologic Infection Caused by Pigeon Avian Paramyxovirus-1, Australia, Emerging Infectious Diseases 2023;29:2482–87.
- Winter S, Lechapt E, Gricourt G, N'debi M, Boddaert N, Moshous D et al. Fatal encephalitis caused by Newcastle disease virus in a child. Acta Neuropathol. 2021;142:605–8.
- Erickson TA, Muscal E, Munoz FM, Lotze T, Hasbun R, Brown E et al. Infectious and Autoimmune Causes of Encephalitis in Children, Pediatrics 2020;145: e20192543.
- Atkinson L, Lee JCD, Lennon A, Shah D, Storey N, Morfopoulou S et al. Untargeted metagenomics protocol for the diagnosis of infection from CSF and tissue from sterile sites, Heliyon 2023;9:e19854.
- Penner J, Hassell J, Brown JR et al. Translating metagenomics into clinical practice for complex paediatric neurological presentations, Journal of Infection 2023;87:451–458.
- Morfopoulou S, Mee ET, Connaughton SM, Brown JR, Gilmour K, Chong WK et al. Deep sequencing reveals persistence of cell-associated mumps vaccine virus in chronic encephalitis, Acta Neuropathologica 2016;133:139–147.
- Morfopoulou S, Brown JR, Davies EG, Anderson G, Virasami A, Qasim W et al. Coronavirus HCoV-OC43 Associated with Fatal Encephalitis, New England Journal of Medicine 2016;375:497–498.
- Brown JR, Morfopoulou S, Hubb J, Emmett WA, Ip W, Shah D et al. Astrovirus VA1/HMO-C: an increasingly recognised neurotropic pathogen in immunocompromised patients. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2015;60:881–888.