Bulletin references January 2022

A full list of references for the January Bulletin is available here.

You can download a copy of the January 2022 Bulletin from our Bulletin pages.

Professor Cheng-Hock Toh

  1. Shaw RJ, Bradbury C, Abrams ST, Wang G, Toh CH. COVID-19 and immunothrombosis: emerging understanding and clinical management. Br J Haematol 2021;194:518–529.
  2. Almeida AM, Ar C, Hellström-Lindberg E, Hollegien WWG, Navarro JT, Saris MT et al. The European Hematology Curriculum: An electronic passport promoting professional competence and mobility. Hemasphere 2018;2:e49.
  3. Toh CH, Stewart P. Research 2021: Never the same again. Future Healthc J 2021;8:e187.
  4. Toh CH, Amberley K. Blood works. Br J Haematol 2020;189:391–392.
  5. Nicolson PLR, Desborough M, Hart D, Biss TT, Lowe GC, Toh CH. A HaemSTAR is born; a trainee-led, UK-wide research network in haematology. Clin Med 2019;19:532–533.
  6. Allard S, Cort J, Howell C, Sherliker L, Miflin G, Toh CH. Transfusion 2024: A 5-year plan for clinical and laboratory transfusion in England. Transfus Med 2021; doi: 10.1111/tme.12827.

Featured article:
A house of our own

  1. Underwood JCE. A short history of the Royal College of Pathologists. In: Understanding Disease: A Centenary Celebration Of The Pathological Society. New Jersey, USA: Wiley, 2006.
  2. The Commonwealth of Medicine. Lancet 1962;279:1387–1388. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(62)92494-7
  3. Ministry of Health. Report on the interdepartmental committee on the remuneration of consultants and specialists. London, UK: HM Stationery Office, 1948.
  4. Cappell DF. Pathologists at the crossroads. Lancet 1960;276:863–867.
  5. Cunningham GJ. The History of British Pathology. McGowan GK (ed.). White Tree Books: Bristol, 1962.
  6. College of Pathologists. Lancet 1962;279:1396.
  7. Foster WD. Pathology As A Profession In Great Britain And The Early History Of The Royal College Of Pathologists. London, UK: The Royal College of Pathologists, 1983.

College news:
Ethics: principles and practical application

  1. Human Tissue Act 1961 (England, Wales and Scotland). An Act to make provision with respect to the use of parts of bodies of deceased persons for therapeutic purposes and purposes of medical education and research and with respect to the circumstances in which post-mortem examinations may be carried out; and to permit the cremation of bodies removed for anatomical examination. Published 27 July 1961. Accessed 1 November 2021. Available at www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1961/54/pdfs/ukpga_19610054_en.pdf
  2. The Royal Liverpool Children’s Inquiry (2001) The Royal Liverpool Children’s Inquiry Report. London, UK: TSO. Accessed 1 November 2021. Available at https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/250934/0012_ii.pdf
  3. General Medical Council (GMC). Ethical guidance. Accessed 1 November 2021. Available at: www.gmc-uk.org/ethical-guidance
  4. General Medical Council (GMC). Good Medical Practice. Accessed 1 November 2021. London, UK: GMC. Published 2013. Available at www.gmc-uk.org/ethical-guidance/ethical-guidance-for-doctors/good-medical-practice
  5. British Medical Association (BMA). Medical Ethics Today: The BMA’s Handbook of Ethics and Law (3rd edition). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
  6. Nuffield Council on Bioethics. What’s on the horizon for bioethics. London, UK: Nuffield Council on Bioethics. Accessed 1 November 2021. Available at www.nuffieldbioethics.org/what-we-do/horizon-scanning

Sharing our subject:
Cultivating connections between the Royal Horticultural Society and the College

  1. Lovell R. Demystifying Health. Valuing Nature Paper. Published 2018. Available at: https://valuing-nature.net/sites/default/files/documents/Reports/VNN-DemystifyingHealth-Web.pdf
  2. Barton H, Grant M. A health map for the local human habitat. J R Soc Promot Health 2006;126:252–253.
  3. Dahlgren G, Whitehead M. European Strategies for Tackling Social Inequities in Health: Levelling up Part 2. Copenhagen, Denmark: WHO, 1991.
  4. Buck D. Gardens and health: Implications for policy and practice. In: The King’s Fund and National Gardens Scheme. London, UK: The King’s Fund, 2016.
  5. Soga M, Gaston KJ, Yamaura Y. Gardening is beneficial for health: A meta-analysis. Prev Med Rep 2016;5:92–99.
  6. Thompson R. Gardening for health: A regular dose of gardening. Clin Med 2018;18:201–205.
  7. Ambrose G, Das K, Fan Y, Ramaswami A. Is gardening associated with greater happiness of urban residents? A multi-activity, dynamic assessment in the Twin-Cities region, USA. Landscape Urban Plan 201920;198:103776.
  8. Chalmin-Pui LS, Griffiths A, Roe J, Heaton T, Cameron R. Why garden? – Attitudes and the perceived health benefits of home gardening. Cities 2021;112:103118.
  9. de Bell S, White M, Griffiths A, Darlow A, Taylor T, Wheeler B et al. Spending time in the garden is positively associated with health and wellbeing: Results from a national survey in England. Landsc Urban Plan 2020;200:103836.
  10. Engemann K, Pedersen CB, Arge L, Tsirogiannis C, Mortensen PB, Svenning JC. Residential green space in childhood is associated with lower risk of psychiatric disorders from adolescence into adulthood. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2019;116:5188–5193.
  11. Jakstis K, Fischer LK. Urban nature and public health: how nature exposure and sociocultural background relate to depression risk. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021;18:9689.
  12. Chalmin-Pui LS, Roe J, Griffiths A, Smyth N, Heaton T, Clayden A et al. “It made me feel brighter in myself” – The health and wellbeing impacts of a residential front garden horticultural intervention. Landsc Urban Plan 2021;205:103958.
  13. Chalmin-Pui LS, Griffiths A, Roe J, Cameron R. Gardens with kerb appeal − a framework to understand the relationship between Britain in Bloom gardeners and their front gardens. Leisure Sci 2021;1:21.
  14. Moran D, Jones PI, Jordaan JA, Porter AE. Does nature contact in prison improve well-being? Mapping land cover to identify the effect of greenspace on self-harm and violence in prisons in England and Wales. Ann American Assoc Geographers 2021;1779–1795.
  15. Wood CJ, Pretty J, Griffin M. A case-control study of the health and wellbeing benefits of allotment gardening. J Public Health 2016;38:e336–e344.
  16. South EC, Hohl BC, Kondo MC, MacDonald JM, Branas CC. Effect of greening vacant land on mental health of community-dwelling adults. JAMA Netw Open 2018;6:e180298.
  17. Branas CC, South E, Kondo MC, Hohl BC, Bourgois P, Wiebe DJ et al. Citywide cluster randomised trial to restore blighted vacant land and its effects on violence, crime, and fear. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2018;115:2946–2951.
  18. Markevych I, Schoierer J, Hartig T, Chudnovsky A, Hystad P, Dzhambov A et al. Exploring pathways linking greenspace to health: Theoretical and methodological guidance. Environ Res 2017;158:301–317.
  19. Roslund MI, Puhakka R, Grönroos M, Nurminen N, Oikarinen S, Gazali AM et al. Biodiversity intervention enhances immune regulation and health-associated commensal microbiota among daycare children. Sci Adv 2020;6:1–11.
  20. Molina-Venegas R, Rodríguez MÁ, Pardo-de-Santayana M, Mabberley DJ. A global database of plant services for humankind. Plos One 2021;16:e0253069.
  21. Royal Horticultural Society. RHS Plant Finder. London, UK: Royal Horticultural Society, 2020.
  22. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Medicinal Plant Names Services. Available at: www.kew.org/science/our-science/science-services/medicinal-plant-names-services
  23. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture. Available at: www.fao.org/3/CA3129EN/CA3129EN.pdf

Working smarter:
Blood assist: Patient Safety of the Year finalist

  1. Serious Hazards of Transfusion. Annual SHOT Report 2020. Available at: www.shotuk.org/wp-content/uploads/myimages/Interactive_SHOT-REPORT-2020_V2.1.pdf
  2. NHS Blood and Transplant. Transfusion Associated Circulatory Overload Audit 2017. Available at: https://hospital.blood.co.uk/audits/national-comparative-audit/medical-audits/transfusion-associated-circulatory-overload-audit-2017/
  3. Serious Hazards of Transfusion. Annual SHOT Report 2017. Available at: www.shotuk.org/wp-content/uploads/myimages/SHOT-Report-2017-WEB-Final-v4-25-9-18.pdf
  4. Serious Hazards of Transfusion. Annual SHOT Report 2018. Available at: www.shotuk.org/wp-content/uploads/myimages/SHOT-Report-2018_Web_Version-1.pdf