Your CPD portfolio

The College’s CPD portfolio provides access to an easy-to-use system for storing and cataloguing your CPD activities, to improve and enhance your practice. Your online portfolio offers you a personalised, safe, electronic means to record your CPD progress, store supporting information and make an electronic return to the College.

The CPD portfolio allows you to record a rolling cycle of activities across a 5-year period. We recommend that practitioners undertake a minimum of 250 CPD credits (or hours) of activity in any 5-year period and, in turn, that participants record a minimum of 50 credits per year throughout their career.

A shortfall in CPD activity at the end of a fixed 5-year cycle would be difficult to make up. Therefore, the use of a rolling cycle allows the average amount of activity to be maintained over a 5-year period in case a shortfall occurs.

Further information on our services is given below.

Recording CPD activities

CPD activities are recorded as credits, with 1 hour of activity usually corresponding to 1 CPD credit. The CPD year runs from 1 April to 31 March the following year. Ideally, activities should be recorded as and when they are completed. They must be accompanied by relevant supporting information or a hyperlink to a website where the evidence may be viewed.

Supporting information should demonstrate:

  • your participation or engagement in the activity
  • your reflection on your learning
  • that the activity is educationally useful, or of genuine value to you
  • that the activity is relevant to your practice. You should retain a copy of your job plan / personal development plan as supporting information. 

Supporting information might include:

  • attendance records, certificates, and personal reflections
  • emails confirming/thanking you for completed work
  • screenshots from mobile phones and other smart devices
  • reflective notes.

Approved courses and events

The College offers an approval service for course and event providers. Event completion certificates should detail the number of credits for full attendance at the event. You should claim the appropriate number of educationally useful credits you believe the event was worth, even if a higher number is printed on the certificate.

College regional/local events do not need to be approved through this service and members can self-accredit their CPD for these in their CPD portfolio.

Annual statements and CPD returns

An annual CPD return is a submission of the CPD activities that you have participated in within each given CPD year. The College CPD year runs from 1 April to 31 March.

Annual returns may be made at any time, but you should plan to make your submission within 6 months of the CPD year end (by 30 September). Late returns may also be made in order to keep your CPD portfolio up to date.

A summary of the activities in your return can be downloaded and shared. Many members find this a useful service to support their annual appraisal with their employer, or for revalidation. Members can download content in a variety of ways:

  • a single activity
  • an annual report
  • a report covering a bespoke period.

Additionally, upon your submission we will collate your data and release it back to you in the form of a CPD statement. Please allow up to 5 business days to receive this, though usually the turnaround is quicker.


For further information on the CPD portfolio, you can access our .pdf guide, as well as our series of video tutorials (see 'guidance videos' below).

If you have any questions about the CPD portfolio or our CPD services, then please contact the CPD team at:

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 020 7451 6720