Transfusion Medicine SAC
Transfusion medicine is concerned with the transfusion of blood and blood components.
Chair: Dr Shruthi Narayan
Committee Members
- Dr Shubha Allard - Deputy Chair and National Blood Transfusion Committee Representative
- Dr Sylvia Armstrong-Fisher - British Blood Transfusion Service
- Dr Ann Benton - Blood Health National Oversight Group
- Dr Lorna Cain - Transfusion Medicine Trainee
- Dr Lise Estcourt - Research and Academics Representative
- Dr Fateha Chowdhury - FRCPath Part 1 Exam Lead
- Dr Dora Foukaneli - FRCPath Part 2 Exam Lead
- Dr Katie Hands - Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service
- Dr Tom Latham - Transfusion Science Examinations representative
- Dr Kathryn Maguire - Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service
- Miss Alison Muir - IBMS Representative
- Prof David Roberts - President of BBTS Co-opted (Observer)
- Dr Suzy Morton - Clinical Tutor NHS Blood and Transplant (co-opted)
- Dr Edwin Massey - Welsh Blood Service Representative
- Dr John Ashcroft - Honorary Officer (RCPath Treasurer)
- Matthew Hazell - Clinical Scientist, HSST Transfusion Network
UK Transfusion guidance for sample tube shortages
This is the UK transfusion guidance for safe transfusions during period of blood sample tube shortages. This document has been developed collaboratively by NBTC Emergency Planning Working Group, SHOT and RCPath Transfusion SAC, with input from BSH Transfusion Task Force. This guidance document should be used in line with local arrangements for risk assessment and concessionary release. While the ongoing shortage is expected to be resolved soon, this guidance document is meant to be a blueprint for Trusts/Health Boards to use to manage from a transfusion point of view. Severity of shortages is variable across the UK and measures implemented are likely to vary, these will need to be used in conjunction with current national guidelines, be risk assessed and implemented collaboratively with frontline clinical and laboratory teams. The provision of safe and timely blood components remains a priority.
Percy Oliver Memorial Award
In 1921 Percy Oliver created world’s first voluntary blood donor service. Following his death in 1944, his colleagues created the Oliver Memorial Fund to perpetuate his achievement and administered it for over 50 years. In 2001, the Royal College of Pathologists took over the task of administering the fund through Annual Awards to recognise achievements in transfusion medicine. From 2013 a further element has been added to the award - a bursary to assist trainees to attend national or international seminars or conferences on transfusion medicine.
Percy Oliver Memorial Award 2024 Winners
The College is delighted to announce that the winners of the Percy Lane Oliver Memorial Award 2024 (Medical Category) are Dr Fiona Regan, Dr Shubha Allard and Dr Helen New for their outstanding contribution to blood transfusion medicine.
The standard of applications was extremely high this year, and after much deliberation the panel awarded the prize to three recipients. All three were presented with their award at the RCPath and SHOT Symposium held on 21 November 2024.
An exciting opportunity to represent new consultants - Apply for the role of Chair of the New Consultants Committee
07 March 2025
This new role is an exciting opportunity to represent the views of new consultant College Fellows and to shape College activities and policies to support their interests.
Our July 2022 Bulletin celebrates the history and achievements of some of our pathology specialties. The article by Yomi Adegbaju on behalf of the College’s Transfusion Medicine Specialty Advisory Committee (SAC), provides an interesting update on how joint National Institute of Health Care Research and Blood and Transplant Research Units will underpin patient benefit.
In our October 2022 Bulletin, Susan Brunskill and Lise Estcourt celebrate 20 years of the Systematic Review Initiative in transfusion medicine. In this article, they highlight the programme’s critical role in reviewing clinical practice, spearheading scientific research and updating transfusion safety standards.
In our April 2023 Bulletin, Rebecca McDonald and Professor Cedric Ghevaert update us on the next steps to achieving in vitro-produced red cells and platelets for transfusion to humans in this article on the RESTORE trials.