Healthcare Science Committee (formerly the Clinical Science Committee)
Clinical Scientists and Biomedical Scientists are the 2 Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) registered professions working in pathologists (RCPath) laboratories. The umbrella term of Healthcare Scientist encompasses both of these professions and includes all scientists working in pathology.
Both Clinical Scientists and Biomedical Scientists are eligible to undertake the Royal College of Pathologists examinations in certain specialties and become Fellows of the College. The Higher Specialist Scientific Training (HSST) programme provides support and funding for scientists to undertake these examinations in addition to leadership and research qualifications. In 2021, the HSST entry criteria was amended to include Biomedical Scientists and a joint statement to this end was agreed by RCPath College of Pathologists, National School of Healthcare Science in Health Education England, Academy for Healthcare Science, Institute of Biomedical Science and Manchester Academy of Healthcare Science Education.
The current remit of the Clinical Science Committee includes promotion of the role of scientists in pathology, workforce development and HSST curricula and assessment. Therefore, it is now an appropriate time to amend the name of the Clinical Science Committee to the Healthcare Science Committee in order to be inclusive of all scientists training within the College.
This change of name was approved at the RCPath Council meeting on 3 February 2022.
Chair: Dr Lisa Ayers
Committee Members
- Dr Bernie Croal - RCPath President, Honorary Officer representation
- Dr Kirsty Dodgson - Medical Microbiology representative
- Professor Rowland Fleck - Ultrastructural pathology
- Professor John Geen - NHS Wales
- Dr Matthew Hazell - Transfusion Medicine SAC representative
- Dr Katherine Hayden - ALM Representative
- Dr Adrian Heaps - Clinical Science Representative
- Dr Stephanie Hutchings - RCPath Trainee representative
- Dr Jason Kasraie - Genomics and Reproductive Science SAC representative
- Dr Graham Lee - Association of Clinical Biochemists of Ireland
- Dr Daniel Lock - Deputy Trainee representative
- Dr Shruthi Narayan - Transfusion Medicine SAC representative
- Dr Rob Orford - Chief Scientific Advisor (Health) Wales
- Mrs Deborah Pritchard - Committee Member
- Ms Delia Ripley
- Professor Catherine Ross - Chief Healthcare Science Officer (Scotland)
- Dr Kate Templeton - Virology SAC representative
- Professor Ian Young - Chief Scientific Officer (Northern Ireland)