West Midlands PERCs

In recent years, the College has recognised the importance of explaining its work and the work of pathologists to the wider public, through the establishment of the Public Engagement programme.

The programme has been a great success and to maintain momentum we have recruited Public Engagement Regional Coordinators (PERCs), to work with the College’s Director of Engagement and Publishing and the Public Engagement Manager, as well as their regional Council in delivering the programme successfully across the UK. The PERC role is a voluntary position and helps provide support to those organising events in their region.

Public Engagement Regional Coordinators (West Midlands)

  • Dr Ayesha Azam

    Pathologists may not see patients directly but they perform a ‘life-saving role’ in healthcare, especially in cancer services. However, the general understanding about ‘what pathology involves’ is sub-optimal. I am a histopathology SpR and STEM Ambassador, and whilst participating in events raising awareness about histopathology, I like to use new technology (smart phones and tablets) to convey the message in a simple and interesting way. I am keen to promote pathology as a career option and happy to assist anyone who wants to organise an event in the region and even take this to an international level, as pathology is global.
    Email: [email protected]

  • Miss Kamaljit Chatha

    My motivation to communicate with the public came about due to the lack of knowledge of the profession and the integral role that NHS scientists play in the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of patients. I wish to promote proactive engagement with the public in fun and interesting way which highlights the profession to those who did not even know that a pathology service exists beyond dead bodies. Additionally, I want to show that it consists of many different specialties that work together to ultimately provide answers that can directly affect the public.
    Email: [email protected]