In May and June we ran a series of 6 lectures, for and on behalf of The National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria (NPMCN) in association with Kings College London. Colleagues from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) also brought their expertise to the delivery of some lectures.

End point PCR
The lecture covers the principles of polymerase chain (PCR) reaction, with a particular focus on end-point PCR, its advantages and disadvantage, as well as its applications in diagnostic laboratories.

Integrated diagnostic reporting in Haematological Malignancies
The lecture covers some of the guidance and its translation into an effective Haematological Malignancy Diagnostic Service for South East England with a catchment population of approximately 6-7 million.

Sanger Sequencing
The lecture covers the history of Sanger sequencing, including the development and improvements of the chemistry and technology.

Conventional Karyotyping For CML
The lecture covers the basics of the BCR/ABL1 rearrangement, its variants and methods of detection, and the groups of additional chromosome abnormalities that are detected by karyotyping with their risk association.

NGS Workflow
Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a group of technologies that can sequence millions of small nucleic acid fragments simultaneously (massively parallel sequencing). The lecture explores how this is achieved.

Real-time PCR (qPCR)
The lecture will shed light on the technical aspects of real-time PCR from the basics of its primers and probes design up to the clinical applications in various disciplines ranging from molecular microbiology to molecular pathology and genetics.