Showcase your lab work either individually or in a team whether you're based in the UK or overseas. Highlight research ideas across pathology specialties; your inspiration might come from this year’s IPD theme or the pathology-related work you are particularly proud of and want to spotlight.

The first prize is £150, with the poster published in the College's Bulletin magazine. The second prize winner will receive £50, and the poster will feature in our post-event blog – celebrating International Pathology Day 2023.

Posters will be displayed digitally on the College website, and the winners will be announced at the International Pathology Day conference on Wednesday, 8 November.

Please send entires to [email protected] before Monday, 23 October, 12:00 (GMT), when the competition closes.

Poster competition rules

We highly recommend taking time to read the competition's terms and conditions. To get you started we have selected a few points from the full terms and conditions which can be found below along with a guide to creating a poster and IPD branded poster templates.

  1. There can be more than one author of the poster that is submitted, but one person must be nominated as main point of contact and to take receipt of the prize.
  2. Only one submission per author/s is allowed.
  3. Resubmission of a poster that has previously been entered into an IPD poster competition is not allowed.
  4. The competition is open to UK and international entrants.
  5. The theme is open to individual interpretation, but entries must have pathology at their heart or be inspired by the overall theme of International Pathology Day. Information on the disciplines which encompass pathology can be found in the careers section of the website.
  6. Posters should be created using the branded poster templates, which can be found below.

Each entry should be accompanied by the following information:

  • The corresponding author/s name/s, and email address/es and contact phone numbers. However, if it is a submission of work created by multiple authors, one person must be nominated to be main point of contact and to take receipt of the prize should the entry win.
  • The title of the poster.
  • A 2-3-minute selfie-style video describing:
    • what work is described in the poster
    • why you undertook this work
    • how do the findings influence future practice
    • what was special about this work.

Previous poster entries

Please find previous poster entries here