Please note: 1pm-2pm CEST. Dr Albert Heim from the Hannover Medical University will reflect on the past respiratory season and look at what the winter ahead may hold for us. In his words: “prepare for the unexpected!”.


Introduction of the webinar series by Daniele Gaudiosi, Senior product manager Hologic, introduction of the speaker by Tom Oosterlaken, scientific affairs manager, webinar from Dr Albert Heim, questions and answers managed by Tom Oosterlaken and replied by Dr Heim


Event suitable for Laboratory personnel: technicians, biomedical scientists, lab managers, and any healthcare professionals working in respiratory diseases


  • Daniele Gaudiosi (introduction only)
  • Tom Oosterlaken (introduction and questions and answers) 
  • Dr Albert Heim for the entire webinar including questions and answers

For more information, please contact: [email protected]

  • 13:00 - 20/06/2024 to 14:00 - 20/06/2024
  • Virtual event, United Kingdom