Join four teams of RCPath members, plus many more health-themed groups, at this 'after-hours' event at London's Science Museum

This event at the Science Museum is being sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and is focusing on health inequalities, communicable diseases, and a range of other relevant topic areas. The Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath) is delivering four activities exploring a variety of pathology specialties as part of this event. The activities have been devised by College members and include a giant Snakes-and-Ladders-style game related to HPV and cancer, and a microbiology-themed ‘dating app’ that highlights links between climate change and infectious diseases . Delivery of the four RCPath activities will involve around 25 College Fellows and members. 

The event is open to all over the age of 18 and is part of the Science Museum’s ‘Lates’ event series, which attract thousands of people from diverse backgrounds. Find out more and book your free ticket here

  • 18:30 - 11/09/2024 to 22:00 - 11/09/2024