- 18:30 - 20/06/2022 to 19:30 - 20/06/2022
As part of National Pathology Week and in celebration of the College's 60th anniversary, this virtual panel discussion will explore the past, present and future of pathology. The event will be introduced by College President, Professor Mike Osborn and chaired by past-President Dr Suzy Lishman CBE. We will cover the history of pathology and the College, key milestones for pathology, current practices and hot topics, and future advancements.
The event will take place via Zoom webinar. Book your place here and join the discussion from 6.30pm BST.
The panellists

Dr Malur Sudhanva O.B.E., MBBS, MD (Microbiology), RCPath (Virology)
Dr Sudhanva has been a Consultant Medical Virologist at King’s since 2004. In 2020, he was seconded to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) as Lead Clinical Advisor for the Lighthouse Laboratories, and local advisor for the NIHR UK Biocentre based in Milton Keynes. The Lighthouse Laboratories were established as part of the UK’s efforts to help stop the spread of COVID-19 by establishing community-based mass testing. Dr Sudhanva’s OBE is recognition for his efforts during the pandemic, both as a consultant and member of staff at King’s, and for his role with UKHSA and Lighthouse Laboratories.

Dr Ali Robb Head of School for Laboratory Medicine for Health Education England in the Northeast
Ali is a Consultant Medical Microbiologist and Infection Control Doctor at Newcastle Hospitals and Head of School for Laboratory Medicine for Health Education England North East. She trained in the North East, having studied at Newcastle University. She is a member of the College Heads of School Forum and has worked closely with the College on events such as Path to Success, a successful recruitment event for doctors in training, held in Newcastle each year. Ali is the English Regional Representative for the North of England members at College Council, covering the North East, North West and Yorkshire and Humber.

Dr Shruthi Narayan, Medical Director, SHOT and Consultant Donor Medicine
Dr Shruthi Narayan – Originally trained in paediatrics from India and residing in UK for nearly two decades now, Dr Shruthi Narayan has seen and worked in two contrasting healthcare systems. She is a strong advocate of the NHS and is proud to be working in one of the greatest healthcare systems around the world, meeting the needs of everyone, free at the point of delivery and based on clinical need not ability. She is a haematologist and loves her role as the Medical Director of Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT), the UK haemovigilance scheme and has an additional role as a Donor Consultant at NHS Blood and Transplant.

Professor Louise Jones
Louise is the Pathology Lead for North, East & West London Genomic Laboratory Hub, Lead for Molecular Pathology for Genomics England, Lead for Breast Cancer Now National Breast Tissue Bank and a Member of International Cancer Genome Consortium Breast Working Group.