Course Overview and Registration Fees


The College launched International Pathology Day in 2014, together with pathology and laboratory medicine institutions worldwide. It has since become a valuable platform where the contribution and achievements of pathology and laboratory medicine services that work to address global health challenges and improve the health outcomes of global communities is recognised and celebrated.

In the best interests of the international community we have decided to bring everyone together for a virtual conference.  Organised once again in collaboration with The Pathologist magazine and sponsor SonicHealthcare UK.  We are also pleased to announce that the British Society for Haematology also join collaborations for the first time. 

As the world continues to reel from the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s International Pathology Day will explore infection.

Focussing on the methods and models that have been developed to manage infection around the world, the day will also explore how the global pathology community has managed infectious outbreaks in the past and how it is dealing with the current outbreak of COVID-19.

Themes explored on the day will include the social, economic, cultural, technical, and biological factors that impact on controlling the spread of an infection, the role of testing and the search to discover a vaccine and treatments.

The roundtable, on the topic of why international knowledge sharing is a winner will explore these themes and offer new perspectives. Following its hugely successful debut we are also excited to announce that the poster competition sponsored by Sonic Healthcare UK will be returning.

Registration Fees

Registration is £10 for all attendees. 



Infection Through The Lens Of COVID-19 Wth An International Viewpoint

10.30 – 10.35 Welcome and opening address from Professor Jo Martin, the President of the Royal College of Pathologists

10.35 – 10.40 Introducing Dr Mike Osborn, President-elect of the Royal College of Pathologists

10.40 – 11.00 Talk 1: How early testing contributed to a robust pandemic response in Germany (and saved the Bundesliga along the way …) Evangelos Kotsopoulos, CEO Sonic Healthcare Germany and Continental Europe

11.00 – 11.20 Talk 2: Serology Testing for MERS and SARS-COV2 Infections, Professor Ali Hajeer, Laboratory Director, King Abdulaziz Medical City

11.20. – 11.30 Break

11.30 – 11.50 Talk 3: The South African perspective on COVID-19: developing new diagnostic approaches, Professor Tahir Pillay, Professor and Chair, Department of Chemical Pathology and Head of Pathology, University of Pretoria

11.50 – 12.10 Talk 4: Endemic pathogens and international research projects during a pandemic: Toxoplasma gondii and international research project TOXOSOURCES as an example, Dr Pikka Jokelainen, Statens Serum Institut and Dr Martha Betson University of Surrey School of Veterinary Medicine

12.10 – 12.30 Speaker panel Q&A          

12.30 – 13.10  Lunch and lunchtime activity:  poster viewing and competition judging

13.10 – 13.20 Winning posters announced and presentation of winning posters

13.20 – 14.20 Roundtable: Why International Knowledge Sharing is a Winner
Panel:  Professor Jo Martin, Evangelos Kotsopoulos, Professor Tahir Pillay, Professor Ali Hajeer and  Dr Pikka Jokelainen

14.20 – 14.25 Closing remarks from Professor Jo Martin, the President of the Royal College of Pathologists

14.25 14.35 Special music tribute performance for laboratory professionals, doctors and healthcare professionals around the world, Rod Gozzett


IPD 2020 Event Contributors

  • Professor Jo Martin CBE

    Past President (2017–2020) and Pathology Portal Project Lead

  • Professor Mike Osborn


    Professor Mike Osborn studied medicine at Guy's & St Thomas' Hospitals, London, qualifying in 1995. He became a member of the Royal College of Surgeons in 2000 and a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists in 2004.

    Currently he works as a Consultant Histopathologist for North West London Pathology at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, where he is clinical lead. His working time is divided between post mortems, diagnostic gastrointestinal histopathology, bowel cancer screening and teaching. He runs a BSc in Humanities, Philosophy & Law at Imperial College, London.

  • Evangelos Kotsopoulos

    CEO Sonic Healthcare Germany and Continental Europe

    Evangelos has a background in economics and finance and prior to joining Sonic Healthcare had a career in investment banking with J.P.Morgan´s healthcare investment banking team in New York, London and Sydney.

    He is married with two children and is currently based in Berlin, Germany. Evangelos also serves on the Boards of the German-Australian Business Council and the Accredited Medical Laboratories Association and is a Trustee of the World Doctors Orchestra.


  • Dr Martha Betson

    University of Surrey School of Veterinary Medicine

    Martha is Senior Lecturer at University of Surrey School of Veterinary Medicine and Head of Department of Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health.

    Martha studied at University of Cambridge and University College London. She has extensive postdoctoral experience from UK and overseas institutions. She is PI of the MRC-funded ZooTRIP project investigating zoonotic transmission of intestinal worms in the Philippines and a consortium member of the One Health EJP projects TOXOSOURCES and PARADISE.

  • Dr Pikka Jokelainen

    Statens Serum Institut

    Pikka works at the Statens Serum Institut in Denmark. She is a veterinarian and did her PhD on Toxoplasma gondii at University of Helsinki, where she continues as Adjunct Professor in zoonotic parasitology. She is the 1st Vice-President of the World Federation of Parasitologists and President of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology.

    In the One Health EJP, she is the Project Leader of TOXOSOURCES, consortium member of projects PARADISE, MEME and OH-Harmony-CAP, as well as the Deputy Leader of the WP3 (Joint Research Projects) and Collaborator of WP5 (Science to policy translation).

    Twitter: @PikkaJokelainen

  • Professor Tahir Pillay

    Country Advisor for South Africa

    Prof Tahir Pillay is Professor and Head, Department of Chemical Pathology, University of Pretoria,  South Africa; Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Clinical Pathology; chair of the Communications Division, International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) and President of the South African Association for Clinical Biochemistry.

    He has an MBChB (University of Natal) ,PhD in biochemistry (University of Cambridge) and trained at Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College, London and the University of California San Diego. He is a Fellow of the RCPath. He is pioneering the use of nanobodies in clinical laboratory diagnostics and point-of-care testing with new robust low-cost immunoassay methodology.

  • Dr Josh Wright

    Vice President British Society for Haematology

    Until recently, he was also a Clinical Director of a large specialty grouping. He is lead for NE and Yorkshire Haemoglobinopathy Network and has held posts as the Chair of the Laboratory Subgroup of the NHS Sickle and Thalassaemia screening programme and as a lead clinician for the UK Haemoglobinopathy peer review programme. He is currently Vice President of the British Society of Haematology.




This meeting will be held via Zoom. Details of the meeting with accompanied guidance will be sent to attendees before the meeting. We strongly suggest you download Zoom to your computer/laptop to make the most of the meeting, however if this is not possible just simply click on the link provided. To Find out more about Zoom and how it works please visit the website