Professor Apperley will be hosting additional webinars in a series dedicated to delivering improved outcomes for patients with CML and providing a free educational resource for healthcare professionals.


  • Professor Apperley will be joined by esteemed and renowned CML experts who will hold conversations to share their perspectives andclinical experiences.
  • Patient-centric CML virtual clinics will be hosted bya panel of CML experts.
  • Each live webcast will include an interactive Q&A chat featureproviding an opportunity for case review and a library for articles, papers, and guidelines. An online chatroom will be available pre and post event to allow for direct access to CML experts for clinical questions on complex cases.


UK Healthcare Professionals Only


  • Professor Jane Apperley, Imperial College
  • Professor Elias Jabbour, MD Anderson
  • Dr Ali Mahdi, Wales

For more information, please contact: [email protected]

  • 13:30 - 24/05/2024 to 15:30 - 24/05/2024
  • Virtual event, United Kingdom