
This webinar will discuss common patterns of pulmonary fibrosis encountered at autopsy, how to approach a case with a history of pulmonary fibrosis, histology sampling and specialist referral.

This event will take place at 1:00pm and last approximately 1 hour.


This meeting is worth 1 CPD point (self credited).

Autopsy webinar series – Pulmonary fibrosis

  • Dr Katherine Syred

    I am a consultant pathologist at University Hospitals Plymouth. My interests are autopsy pathology, skin and thoracic pathology. I enjoy the challenge of autopsy pathology and am autopsy clinical lead at University Hospital Plymouth. I plan to take over as DI over the next year, and am shadowing this role. I am also lead for the CHAT exam. Plymouth is a port and naval dockyard and we see much asbestos related lung disease, as well as trauma, immersion in water and toxicological cases. I am a keen educator and regularly teach in autopsy and thoracic pathology locally and regionally. I am looking forward to working on the pathology portal to add my extensive teaching slide collection. I am involved in undergraduate education teaching year 4 in the professionalism domain at medical school as well as year 3 pathology. I am involved in some ongoing educational research and innovation.