
Cardiac pathology remains some of the most common pathology encountered at autopsy. This webinar will cover common and uncommon cardiac pathology which the non-specialist pathologist can recognise, practical tips about examining the heart, and when and how to refer to a cardiac pathologist.

This event will take place at 1:00pm and last approximately 1 hour.


This meeting is worth 1 CPD point (self credited).

Autopsy webinar series – Cardiac pathology for the non-specialist

  • Dr Esther Youd

    Dr Esther Youd is an autopsy pathologist at the University of Glasgow, with particular interest in sudden cardiac death, maternal death and medical education. She is Chair of the RCPath Death Investigation Committee, Chair of the UK Cardiac Pathology Network, and reviews maternal deaths for MBRRACE-UK. She is the RCPath Clinical Director for Digital Pathology Education, a role which encompasses oversight of the Pathology Portal. She is external examiner at Queen Mary University of London and an examiner for the RCPath CHAT exam.

  • Dr Kathryn Griffin is a dedicated Autopsy Consultant (Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust) and Honorary Senior Lecturer (University of Leeds). She is also a committee member for the UK Cardiac Pathology Network and RCPath Death Investigation Committee and acts as faculty for the training of new Medical Examiners. Kathryn is passionate about Autopsy teaching and, along with colleagues, established and runs the local ST1 induction training programme which offers hands-on and theoretical training for new Histopathologists. She has a specialist interest in cardiovascular pathology and her Autopsy practice is undertaken alongside research activity investigating the role of the microvasculature in metabolic health and disease (for further detail see https://medicinehealth.leeds.ac.uk/medicine/staff/1864/dr-kathryn-griffin) and her various undergraduate teaching responsibilities within the MBChB.