
The past, the present and hopefully the future of prognosticating feline soft tissue sarcomas; this webinar aims to give an overview of where we currently are regarding the histological grading of feline soft tissue sarcomas, with some insight into the origins via grading STS in humans and canine, and the development of the proposed grading system in cats. It will look at some of the challenges, including nomenclature, subtyping, the complication of feline injection site sarcomas, and the subjectivity of some aspects. It will also look at where we would like to go in the future....

This event will take place at 12:30pm and last approximately 1 hour.


This meeting is worth 1 CPD point (self credited).

An update on feline soft tissue sarcomas; where are we now, and where do we go next?

  • Dr. Melanie Dobromylskyj

    BSc Vet Path (Hons), BVSc, PhD, FRCPath, FRCVS RCVS-recognised specialist in Veterinary pathology (small animals)

    Dr. Melanie Dobromylskyj works at a commercial diagnostic laboratory as a small animal diagnostic histopathologist, combining this with under-grad and post-graduate teaching and various research collaborations. She gained her PhD in molecular immunology in 2009, became a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists in 2014 and an honorary lecturer in anatomic pathology at the RVC in 2015. Her interests include feline pathology, immunohistochemistry, and research with a strong diagnostic and prognostic bias. She currently shares her home with four cats, and her garden with six goats, fifteen chickens and several thousand honey bees.

  • Dr Pamela Kelly

    Chair - Veterinary Pathology SAC