Apply for the RCPath/Specialist Society elective award scheme

Applications for The RCPath/Specialist Society Medical Elective small grant scheme have now closed.


Once you have filled in the web form, please email the following to [email protected]

  1. Letter/email from your University personal tutor approving your application
  2. Letter from the Head of Department/Clinical Director of the host department for your proposed elective
  3. A full breakdown of how the award will be spent. A minimum of £500 must be used for student travel and subsistence, with the remaining amount being spent flexibly for project-related costs such as consumables, or for student costs, as appropriate for the project.
  4. If you are proposing a research project, please attach a full project proposal. Please do not include your name or other personal identifiers in the text, since the project proposal will be reviewed anonymously by the award panel.

Important: When writing in the remaining sections, please do not include your name or other personal identifiers, since applications will be reviewed anonymously by the award panel.