The UK government has launched its second 5-year national action plan to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
The plan commits to strengthening infection prevention and control, optimising the use of antimicrobials and prioritising the development of new diagnostics. Importantly, the plan sets out a One Health approach to addressing AMR, across humans, animals, food and the environment.

Dr Noha El Sakka, Vice President of the Royal College of Pathologists and Consultant in Medical Microbiology and Virology said:
"Medical microbiologists and virologists are at the forefront of tackling antimicrobial resistance, from diagnosing infections to advising on infection prevention and control and the responsible use of antimicrobials, so we very much welcome the call to invest in new diagnostics, strengthen surveillance and optimise the use of antimicrobials. However, these outcomes, including a reduction in AMR, can only be realised with a well-resourced medical microbiology and virology workfroce, which remains a challenge."
Please see the College's position statement on AMR here, calling on the government to grow the medical microbiology and virology workforce and invest in diagnostics.