Dr Darren Treanor

The College is the members, and it’s only if we members engage that we can achieve things. The more of us that get involved, the stronger we will be. I’d encourage every member who has a view on how we should work or what the future of pathology should be to get involved.

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Dr Darren Treanor

Becoming a member of the Royal College of Pathologists means joining our community of over 13,000 members worldwide, working across a diverse range of roles and specialties.

The College delivers several key services that develop and support excellence in pathology around the world. Your support and expertise is vital in helping us achieve this. The bigger and more active our membership, the stronger the College becomes to act on behalf of all pathologists. 

As well as our key deliveries that serve the pathology profession as a whole, we provide a range of individual benefits to further support our members. We are committed to providing the best possible service to ensure that every individual is heard, supported and feels valued as part of our College community. 

Key services

Please click on each of the services listed below to see examples of our work in each area.

Training and examinations

It is one of our key aims to ensure that our curricula, assessments and examinations promote the highest standards of pathology, in order to meet the future requirements of the profession. To achieve this, we:

  • set the standards for pathology education, training and research, to consistently improve patient care and safety
  • develop and deliver the FRCPath, Diploma and Certificate examinations, offered across 17 pathology specialties
  • deliver a training ePortfolio, the LEPT system, to help trainees evidence their progress in training
  • are committed to making our examinations accessible by providing reasonable adjustments for eligible candidates.

Continuing professional development (CPD)

Professional development is an ongoing process that extends beyond initial training or education, and is instrumental in ensuring good medical practice. We support members with their CPD by:

  • delivering a bespoke CPD portfolio for cataloguing and recording your CPD activities
  • producing resources that help you stay current in your field, including the Pathology Portal and a range of events and webinars
  • providing individual support through our dedicated CPD team.

Professional guidance

The College sets the standards for patient care and safety in pathology through the rigorous publication and review of professional guidance. To lead excellence in pathology practice and help you to deliver the highest level of care to your patients, we:

  • oversee the development and review of professional guidelines, including clinical guidelines,  cancer datasets and tissue pathways, autopsy guidelines, best practice recommendations and laboratory service standards
  • cater to both cross-specialty and specialty-specific needs, ensuring that all 17 pathology specialties receive comprehensive guidance
  • actively participate in NICE consultations relevant to pathology, to support the development of national guidance on treatments and care for those using the NHS in England and Wales
  • have delivered a patient safety and quality strategy to address unique safety concerns and challenges affecting pathology and proactively identify potential risks.

Research and innovation

Part of our mission is to promote study, research and innovation within the field of pathology. We strive to be the authoritative and trusted partner for pathology by:

  • bringing together leading experts and medical professionals, providing a forum for connection, collaboration and innovation
  • facilitating a Research Committee that coordinates various aspects of research and fosters the development of academic posts within pathology in the UK
  • funding research through our grant scheme and recognise excellent research by awarding research medals
  • collaborating with a wide range of stakeholders and international partners on projects that improve the quality of pathology training and service provision
  • delivering the award-winning Pathology Portal platform alongside key partners.

With your continued support, we can continue to invest in research and innovation that advances pathology.  

Workforce planning and support

Workforce planning is essential to the provision of an efficient, high-quality pathology service. To support workforce planning, we:

  • collate information by monitoring the appointment of consultant and SAS-grade pathologists and conducting workforce surveys. This enables us to shape decisions made by Health Education England (HEE) and other relevant professional groups in the UK, and to advise on trends in recruitment in pathology specialties.
  • maintain standards in pathology by reviewing and approving consultant and SAS-level job descriptions, both medical and scientific
  • provide an assessor to attend all advisory appointment committees (AACs), to ensure employing bodies are able to appoint the right candidate for the post. 

Advocating for pathology

As a membership organisation, our central priority is advocating for the needs of our members and the wider profession. By uniting pathologists and those linked to pathology, we act as a collective voice that has the power to inform, influence and instigate change. To do this, we: 

  • work with stakeholders to ensure safe, supportive and inclusive workplaces for pathologists
  • collect workforce data that can be used to support campaigns to improve workforce conditions and patient care
  • respond to key changes in pathology, including workforce, cancer diagnostics and the impact of technological advancements
  • develop and maintain strong relationships with UK politicians, government bodies, public audiences and industry partners, in order to establish strong policy positions and act on key priorities for pathology
  • advocate for policies and funding that bring true and lasting benefits to the pathology workforce and wider profession.  

With your support and participation, together we have the power to shape the present and future of the profession. 

Promoting pathology

Working with our members, we:

  • run programmes to inspire the next generation to study science and join the pathology workforce 
  • deliver regular careers talks to undergraduates and junior doctors, and host the annual Pathology Summer School for medical students to learn more about careers in pathology
  • offer a bespoke membership for undergraduates and junior doctors, enabling them to get more involved in our activities in the lead up to becoming a pathology trainee
  • support the coordination of National Pathology Week as part of the Pathology Alliance.