We aim to make your payment experience as smooth as possible. You can find out more information about subscription fees and processes below. Please click here to see the current subscription fees for your member class.
How can I pay my membership fees?
Subscription fees can be paid online, by direct debit, or by cheque.
Online: The most straightforward way to pay your subscription is online, via the College website. All major credit and debit cards are accepted, except American Express. To pay online, please log into MyRCPath and navigate to ‘Subscriptions’.
Direct Debit: Members can pay by annual direct debit, collected in February each year. We also offer direct debit over 10 equal monthly instalments from February to November inclusive.
By setting up a direct debit payment to the College, you won’t need to worry about remembering to pay at the right time, write out and post cheques, or provide your credit card details.
To apply for this payment option, you must fill out the direct debit mandate form and return it to us by mail. Please specify on the form whether you would like the annual or monthly option:
For Registered Trainees, your payment year runs from 1 August. Please use this form:
Sterling cheque: Cheques should be made payable to 'The Royal College of Pathologists'. Please write your membership number and full name on the back of your cheque to ensure the payment is correctly allocated to your record.
Please note that we do not recommend paying by cheque, and strongly encourage members to pay their subscriptions online or via direct debit.
For security reasons, please do not send any financial or card information by email. Please post completed forms to the address on the form.
Can I claim reduced fees?
Members who are eligible for a reduced subscription fee include:
- New Fellows: New Fellows receive a 20% discount for their first five years of membership. There is no need to apply for this – the discount is applied automatically.
- UK Fellows earning a gross income of less than £58,000 per annum: If you believe that you would be eligible for this discount, please complete the form below and return it to the Membership Department.
- Members on maternity leave: If you are on (or about to go on) maternity leave and wish to claim a reduction on your subscription fee, please contact the Membership team with:
- the number of weeks you will receive full pay, half pay and SMP/No Pay
- the exact dates you commence and finish maternity leave.
We will adjust your fee accordingly and confirm this with you via email.
Please note: Trainees going on maternity leave should also inform our Training team so that your provisional CCT date can be amended accordingly.
When do I need to renew my membership?
For most members, your membership is due for renewal on 1 January each year. We will send you reminders of the upcoming renewal in the weeks before the deadline, so please keep an eye on your emails and contact us if you need help.
If your fees remain overdue, the College Council will remove you from the College register and you will lose access to your membership benefits. You will also lose the right to use your designatory letters and to state that you are a member of the College, as well as the right to participate in College activities such as CPD, LEPT etc., or receive any communications from us.