We are committed to delivering a high quality service to our members, to support you in delivering the best care to your patients. To make our services as easy as possible to use, we have compiled some useful information below. If you require further assistance, please contact the relevant team on the 'Contact Us' page. 

Accessing the members' area of the website

Exclusive member content is hosted in the members area of the College website, and requires a member login to access. If you don't yet have a login, you can register online via our user registration section.

If you have any difficulties with registration, please contact us at [email protected] and we will be able to assist you.

Updating the College with a change of details/circumstances

You must tell the College if you change your contact details. The easiest way to update your details is online, via MyRCPath. Please log in, navigate to 'My Account' in the drop down menu and update your details. Alternatively you can email the Membership Department with your amended details.

If you change your name, please send in a copy of any formal documentation that confirms that this. We will then be able to update your records.

You must also tell the College of a change of circumstance, such as if you are retiring. 

On retirement from remunerative practice, members can move to a 'Retired' membership and pay a substantially reduced subscription. Please email the Membership Department who will send you the relevant documents. Please note that if you are required to continue with your CPD, your full fee will still be payable.

Certificates and verification


The College can provide confirmation to employers that you are a member of the College. If applicable, we can also confirm that you are a participant in our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme. [ask Hoomairah re this] Please note that we may need to seek your permission to release this information. If you have any outstanding fees payable to the College, this process will be delayed.


The College provides a fellowship certificate upon completion of the FRCPath Part 2 examinations and acceptance of fellow membership (inc. payment. Your certificate will be presented to you at the New Fellows Ceremony, which takes place in February and September each year.

If you are not able to attend the ceremony, your fellowship certificate will be posted to you shortly afterwards. Please ensure that your initial fellowship fee has been paid and we hold your correct address details.

If you lose your certificate, we are able to replace this for you at a cost of £50.

Please complete the replacement certificate request form below and return it to the Membership team, along with your payment details.

[Replacement Certificate Payment Form]

Useful contacts

The College staff are divided into several directorates which oversee various College deliveries. To ensure that we can support you as effectively as possible, please see the Contact Us page to direct any queries you may have to the correct team.