Every year numerous health awareness events are organised in the UK and internationally, drawing attention to different health issues. You can take part by organising an event that highlights the role of pathology in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. 



21–28 January: Cervical Cancer Prevention Week
The aim of Cervical Cancer Prevention Week is to educate people on cervical cancer and the importance or regular screenings. Find out about careers in cervical cytology screening and other alternative career paths in pathology.


4 February: World Cancer Day 
World Cancer Day is an initiative to unite the entire world in the fight against cancer, to raise our collective voices in the name of improving general knowledge around cancer and to dismiss misconceptions about the disease.

College resources about cancer include:


Throughout March: Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
Supported by Ovarian Cancer Action and other gynaecological charities, Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month aims to raise awareness of ovarian cancer. It is a great time to showcase the role pathologists take in prevention, diagnosis and treatment. 

Throughout March: Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
In the UK, about 1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer at some point in their lives. This campaign presents a chance to promote pathologists' role in early diagnosis, and encourages people totake 30 seconds to check their risk

8 March: International Women's Day
You can use International Women's Day to showcase inspirational female pathologists, past and present, and to encourage young women to consider a career in pathology. 

7-16 March: British Science Week
British Science Week focuses on engaging young people with grassroots events and activities. It is a great opportunity to highlight pathology and the science behind it. Don't forget to check out our resources for running activities with children and teens. 

10-16 March: Healthcare Science Week
Healthcare Science Week is dedicated to highlighting the numerous scientific specialities and professional groups that comprise the large NHS workforce. This is a fantastic opportunity for your organisation to promote and raise awareness of the many science careers, pathways and development opportunities available in the health sector. Check out our resources which provide support and ideas for anyone who wants to run an event about pathology. You can also order free promotional materials to use at your event.

26 March: Vaccine Engagement Day
Vaccine Engagement Day is a British Society of Immunology initiative that raises awareness about vaccines, helping people make informed decisions about vaccinations. Vaccine Engagement Day is followed by a month-long celebration of vaccines and their crucial role in public health. The College has created a range of resources called ‘Viruses and Vaccines’ to open conversations about vaccines with the public, and to help dispel common myths and misconceptions.


Throughout April: Bowel Cancer Awareness Month
Bowel Cancer UK aims to save lives and improve the quality of life for all those affected by bowel cancer. Pathologists play a vital role in the team who support those with bowel cancer. The College has activity resources called What does your poo say about you? that can be used to start conversations with a variety of audience groups about the important role of screening programmes, and the work of pathologists. Read more about cancer diagnostics, and the College’s position on it.

Throughout April: National Pet Month
National Pet Month aims to promote responsible pet ownership and offers an opportunity to highlight the vital role veterinary pathologists play in preventing, diagnosing and treating diseases in domestic animals. Find out how to become a veterinary pathologist, check out our interview with veterinary pathologist, Alex Civello, and download our dog breeding activity resource, Paws for thought

24-30 April: World Immunization Week
The World Health Organization celebrates World Immunization Week every year to raise awareness of the importance of immunisation in preventing diseases and protecting life. The College has a number of public engagement activities related to immunisation including Blossom the cow and Give it a shot.


5 May: World Hand Hygiene Day
This is the World Health Organization's annual call to action to health workers about the importance of hand hygiene for infection control. Medical microbiologists play a vital role in infection control in hospitals; read about their work in our careers section and watch our interview with medical microbiologist, Dr Shanika Crusz.

12-18 May: Mental Health Awareness Week
The Mental Health Foundation coordinates this annual awareness week, which this year focuses on community. The College commissions blogs on a number of themes related to the mental health of its members and has published its position on the challenges facing the pathology workforce


2–8 June: Volunteers' Week
Volunteers' Week is coordinated by the NCVO to say thank you for the enormous contribution volunteers make. Hundreds of volunteers are involved in the work of the College including our Committees, our Regional Councils, and our public engagement volunteers

5 June: World Environment Day
Run by the UN World Environment Programme, World Environment Day aims to encourage action to protect our environment. This year it is hosted by the Republic of Korea and the focus is on ending plastic pollution. The College aspires to reduce and minimise the environmental impact of its activities and to advocate for the health of our planet, by collating and disseminating examples of good practice in pathology, and educating and inspiring members to adopt these practices. Find out more by reading our Net Zero mission statement.

9-15 June: Diabetes Week
Coordinated by Diabetes UK, Diabetes Week aims to increase public understanding of diabetes and to support research on this condition, which affects 1 in 15 of us in the UK. Watch our video about the work of a Consultant Clinical Scientist, Joanne Morris, whose work helps people with diabetes monitor and manage their condition. 

14 June: World Blood Donor Day
This annual global event aims to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products and to thank blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood. Haematologists play a vital role in ensuring blood transfusions are carried out safely. Watch our interview with Consultant Haematologist, Dr Emma Drasar. 

19 June: World Sickle Cell Day
This international awareness day is observed annually to increase public knowledge and understanding of sickle cell disease, and the challenges experienced by patients, their families, and caregivers. Haematologists support sickle cell patients throughout their lives, and the College has a free downloadable activity pack about how genetic inheritance of this condition called Split your genes


28 July: World Hepatitis Day
World Hepatitis Day is led by the World Health Organization and aims to promote hepatitis prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Watch our interview with Dr Shanika Crusz, Consultant Medical Microbiologist, read more about becoming a virologist, or download our Viruses and vaccines activity resources. We also have a Hepatitis B virus colouring resource.


We're not currently supporting any specific awareness campaigns in August.


Throughout September: Blood Cancer Awareness Month
Supported by charities including Bloodwise and Anthony Nolan to raise awareness of how to improve treatments for blood cancer and increase the number of lives saved. Watch our video about a woman with myeloma and about the role played by immunologists and haematologists in her diagnosis and treatment. 

22-28 September: Organ Donation Week
Organised by NHS Blood and Transplant to promote organ donation and to encourage people to share their decision on organ donation with their families. 

17 September: World Patient Safety Day
Coordinated by the World Health Organization to promote global solidarity and concerted action by all countries and international partners to show their commitment to patient safety. The College’s Patient safety and quality strategy 2024-2029 outlines our commitment to improving patient safety and delivering excellence in pathology services. We have also developed a range of resources on patient safety awareness. 


Throughout October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month
This international awareness campaign is supported by a number of charities including CoppaFeel! and Breast Cancer Now in the UK. Find out the vital role histopathologists play in diagnosing breast cancer by watching our interview with consultant histopathologist, Dr Mark Howard, and our video on the journey of a biopsy.

4 October: World Animal Day
This is organised by the Naturewatch Foundation to raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe. Find out about the vital work of veterinary pathologists in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease in a wide range of animals.

10 October: World Mental Health Day
As part of our work in supporting pathologists to maintain good mental health we have commissioned a professional development blog series by Dr Chris Tiplady, Director of Education at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. You can find his blog series here


Throughout November: Lung Cancer Awareness Month
Supported by various charities, including Roy Castle Lung Foundation, this campaign encourages people displaying the common symptoms of lung cancer, such as a persistent cough, breathlessness or unexplained weight-loss, to visit their GP. 

3-9 November: National Pathology Week
National Pathology Week is our annual celebration of pathology, when we highlight the important contribution pathologists make to healthcare. Working in partnership with pathologists and laboratory scientists across the UK, our programme of events and activities aims to engage people of all ages, and improve public awareness and understanding of how pathologists and scientists diagnose disease. The theme in 2024 was 'Pathology is Vital'; the theme for 2025 will be announced shortly. We provide a wide range of free resources and support for event organisers. Take a look at our guide for getting involved in National Pathology Week.

5 November: International Pathology Day
International Pathology Day was established in 2014 to recognise and celebrate the contribution and important role played by pathology and laboratory medicine services in addressing global health challenges and improving the health outcomes of communities around the world.  

18-24 November: World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week (WAAW) 
WAAW aims to increase awareness of global antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and to encourage best practices for using antimicrobials responsibly among the general public, health workers and policy makers, to avoid the further emergence and spread of drug-resistant infections. The College has published a position statement on antimicrobial resistance.


We're not currently supporting any specific awareness campaigns in December.