Sustainability Lead for Pathology Practice

Why should I apply? 

The College’s mission is to promote excellence in the practice of pathology and to be responsible for maintaining standards through training, assessments, examinations and professional development.

This College has a key role in the professional aspects of pathology services in the development and delivery of healthcare. Those holding office in the College provide professional leadership and thereby contribute at a national level to the maintenance and development of pathology services and the quality of care that patients receive.

The College expects its office holders to be proactive and to provide leadership, not only in their own specialty, but also in pathology in general, in the wider context of health services.  The College’s influence extends to all sectors of healthcare provision.

We are committed to increasing diversity and inclusion within our organisation, as well as using our voice and platform to help make pathology as a profession more inclusive. This means reflecting critically on issues of diversity and inclusion within all that we do, identifying and taking appropriate actions to reduce inequality, and welcoming challenge.

We welcome applications from anyone regardless of their disability, ethnicity, heritage, gender, sexuality, religion or socioeconomic background.

What does the role entail?

The College has agreed that Daniel Ross, Chief Executive, is the Sustainability Lead for College operations.

The Sustainability Lead for Pathology Practice will play a crucial role in advancing sustainability initiatives across the wider pathology community. This role is integral to the College's commitment to environmental stewardship and social responsibility. The Sustainability Lead for Pathology Practice will drive the implementation of sustainable practices, promote awareness of environmental issues, and facilitate collaboration among stakeholders to achieve sustainability goals.

The Sustainability Lead for Pathology Practice will be passionate about promoting sustainability in healthcare, possess strong analytical and communication skills, and demonstrate leadership in driving positive change within pathology. They will play a pivotal role in advancing the College's sustainability agenda and contributing to a greener, more sustainable future for pathology practice

To discuss the role informally, please contact Daniel Ross, Chief Executive: [email protected]

Full information can be found in the role description

What’s the commitment?

We estimate the time commitment to be 1 day per month but, as this is a new role, we will review a time progresses.

The appointment is for a term of 3 years.

How do I apply?

Please submit an abridged curriculum vitae and a completed application form including the supporting statement of no more than 800 words stating how your skills and experience are relevant for the role you are applying for, how you meet the person specification and how you would approach the role.

Applications must reach Fiona Addiscott, Business Administration Officer, by 9:00am on Monday 29 July 2024. Either by post to The Royal College of Pathologists, 6 Alie Street, London, E1 8QT or by email to [email protected]


Fiona Addiscott
020 7451 6726
[email protected]