Medical Microbiology Recruitment Lead

Location: UK

Why should I apply?

The Royal College of Pathologists has a key role in the professional aspects of pathology services in the development and delivery of healthcare. Those holding office in the College provide professional leadership, and thereby contribute at a national level to the maintenance and development of pathology services and the quality of care that patients receive.

We are committed to increasing diversity and inclusion within our organisation, as well as using our voice and platform to help make pathology as a profession more inclusive. This means reflecting critically on issues of diversity and inclusion within all that we do, identifying and taking appropriate actions to reduce inequality, and welcoming challenge.

We welcome applications from anyone regardless of their disability, ethnicity, heritage, gender, sexuality, religion or socioeconomic background.

What does the role entail?

The national recruitment models for medical specialties is dependent on the identification of designated leads in medical microbiology, virology and infectious disease to work with the JRCPTB, RCPath and the recruitment office in the planning, coordination, assessment and review of the recruitment process for their specialty. The College is responsible for the appointment of recruitment leads in microbiology and virology. A vacancy has arisen for the Recruitment Clinical Lead in Microbiology who will work closely with virology and infectious diseases recruitment leads and will ensure effective communication with the Joint Combined Infection Training (CIT) SAC, the Medical Microbiology and Virology College Specialty Training Committee (CSTC) and with the recruitment office throughout the recruitment cycle.

What is the commitment?

It is difficult to be prescriptive as to the required time commitment, but experience indicates that the equivalent of 0.75 PA per week may be required.

It will be supported in the following ways:

  • anticipation of recognition of the role within individual job plans and support from employers, including appropriate leave to attend recruitment functions
  • production of recruitment documentation, protocols and statistical analysis and aggregated and comparative outcome reports.

How do I apply?

Applications in the form of a short statement detailing your suitability for the role and accompanied by a concise copy of your curriculum vitae should be submitted to Adobea Akuffo, Training Co-ordinator: [email protected] by Friday 12 July 2024. 

Role description

Medical Microbiology Recruitment Lead