Roles on the Joint Medical Microbiology and Medical Virology Specialty Advisory Committee

Why should I apply?

The Royal College of Pathologists is committed to setting and maintaining professional standards and promoting excellence in the teaching and practice of pathology, for the benefit of patients. Those holding office in the College contribute to this important work by providing professional leadership and contributing at a national level to the maintenance and development of pathology services and the quality of patient care.


What roles are available and what do they entail?

  • Consultant Medical Microbiologist
  • Consultant Medical Virologist 

The Joint Medical Microbiology and Medical Virology Specialty Advisory Committee (SAC) exists to advise Council on matters concerning medical microbiology and medical virology practice in the UK. Information about the SAC can be found on the College website here.


What are the requirements and commitments?

  • RCPath Fellow and not affiliated with an external organisation. 
  • Attendance at 3 SAC meetings per year
  • Support SAC activities, for example arranging meetings, providing specialty-specific guidance and responding to consultations
  • Term of office: 3 years


How do I apply?

Please complete the nomination form here by 5:00pm on Monday 31 March 2025.

Louise Mair
[email protected]