FRCPath Examination: Senior examiner

What does the role entail?

Examiners are appointed by Council on the recommendation of the Examinations Committee. Individuals may be nominated by the relevant SAC or the Panel Chair. Alternatively, applications from eligible fellows of the College may be accepted following open advertisement by the College. The Examinations Committee will normally take advice from the Panel Chair for that specialty in deciding on accepting a nomination. Initial appointment will be for 5 years. Continuation as an examiner will be subject to annual review by the Panel Chair.

To examine candidates presenting for the College examinations you will be asked:

  • to produce questions for College examinations and mark examination scripts or other work by candidates in the specialty
  • to assess candidates’ knowledge and skills at oral and practical examinations in the specialty
  • to assess written projects where applicable
  • to assess applications for Fellowship on the Basis of Published Works.

Why should I apply?

Examinations are a core activity of the College's work and examiners make a huge contribution to the successful delivery of the internationally recognised FRCPath examinations. Senior examiners build on the knowledge and experience of their examination and can go on contribute to the development of the examination as a Lead Examiner or Panel Chair. Many examiner activities are recognised for CPD.

What are the general performance standards?

Senior examiners: 

  • must keep up to date with scientific, medical and educational developments in the specialty
  • will be expected to examine on a minimum of three occasions during the 5-year period
  • must be prepared to undertake training in the examination process arranged by the College
  • sent written work for assessment should return their assessment within the stipulated timeframe to the Examinations team. If they are unable to complete their assessment in this time, they should let the Examinations team or Panel Chair know so that an alternative examiner can be asked to complete the assessment.

What is the person specification?

Senior examiners:

  • should be a fellow of the College, normally for at least 5 years, undertaking continuing professional development
  • should be in active clinical practice or research
  • should normally work in UKAS registered or accredited laboratories (where relevant to the specialty)
  • must be involved in training and educational supervision
  • should be in a substantive post (minimum 5 years)
  • should have evidence that they participate in EQA schemes where appropriate.

What is the commitment?

Senior examiners should expect to commit up to 6 days a year (approximately 0.25 PAs) if involved in both examination sessions of the year.

For all examiners, this commitment includes question writing and standard setting.

How do I apply?

Please complete the application form and return it to [email protected]

Examiner Application Form