Chair, Scotland Regional Council

Location: Scotland

Nominations are now invited for the post of Scotland Regional Council Chair. The successful candidate will take office after the AGM in November 2024 for a period of 3 years. Any fellow of the College from within Scotland is eligible to self nominate.

Why should I apply?

The Royal College of Pathologists has a key role in the professional aspects of pathology services in the development and delivery of healthcare. Those holding office in the College provide professional leadership, and thereby contribute at a national level to the maintenance and development of pathology services and the quality of care that patients receive. The College expects its office holders to be proactive and to provide leadership, not only in their own specialty, but also in pathology in general, in the wider context of health services. The College’s influence extends to all sectors of healthcare provision.

We are committed to increasing diversity and inclusion within our organisation, as well as using our voice and platform to help make pathology as a profession more inclusive. This means reflecting critically on issues of diversity and inclusion within all that we do, identifying and taking appropriate actions to reduce inequality, and welcoming challenge.

We welcome applications from anyone regardless of their disability, ethnicity, heritage, gender, sexuality, religion or socioeconomic background.

What does the role entail?

The Scotland Regional Council Chair is a Trustee of the Royal College of Pathologists. Trustees lead the College, deciding how it is run and ensuring that it meets its aims and objectives. Trustees will use their skills and experience to make sure the College runs efficiently and delivers its strategic objectives as described in the College’s Strategic and Annual Plans. For more information on what is required from a charity trustee see:

As a member of College Council, the Scotland Regional Council Chair will provide advice and input into debate on matters relating to the practice of pathology as a profession, including all the professional, clinical and education functions of the College.

In between formal meetings, much of the committee work is dealt with electronically. The post holder is expected to respond to electronic requests. Where possible, meetings are scheduled to take place on the same day to reduce the need for travel. To facilitate Job Planning for those involved, most College formal commitments are scheduled for the same day each week, Thursday.

What is the commitment?

The key duties of the role include:


  • Scotland Regional Council (3-times a year).*
  • Annual Regional Symposium.
  • Trustee Board (5-times a year).*
  • Council (4-times a year).*
  • Relevant specialty/joint/intercollegiate committees if allocated.*
  • Relevant working groups.*
  • Scottish Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties meetings (4-times a year).

Ceremonial and social duties

  • Attendance at AGM.
  • Attendance at College Annual Dinner (formal).


  • Organise and chair Regional Council Meetings on a regular basis and ensure timeous communication between the regional and national Council and with the Governance and Committees Officer.
  • Ensure that the Registrar is provided with details of the current membership of the Regional Council and minutes of the meetings.
  • Advise the local NHS and other healthcare providers on provision of pathology services and on acceptable standards of practice approved by the College.
  • Inform Council about relevant policy decisions at a local/national level.
  • Develop means of sharing information and advice across national boundaries that supports an effective and responsive intelligence gathering network and integrates with the College website.
  • Represent the College on outside bodies, where appropriate, as agreed by Council.
  • Review the Council’s regional structure as and when appropriate.
  • Develop working relationships with a range of external partners both in relation to pathology in Scotland and a wider scope of relevance to the College. 
  • Advise the College on local problems affecting standards of practice in pathology where there are UK-wide implications.
  • Work with regional medical and scientific workforce representatives to look at and report workforce issues to the College.
  • Organise local educational and social events as appropriate.
  • Communicate locally with members, fellows and trainees.

Media duties

  • Give interviews to the media and writing articles for the press as required with support from the College’s Communications Directorate.
  • Promote the interests of the College locally through contact with outside bodies and the media, liaising with the Governance and Committee Services team and the Communications Directorate at the College.

 *Meetings are conducted in hybrid or virtual formats and can be attended virtually, but in person attendance is encouraged for Trustee Board meetings.

How do I nominate?

You may submit your nomination via the Civica website by 12 midday on Friday 5 July 2024. The website also contains further information on the role and requirements, including a role description and person specification.

If you would like to discuss the role with a Trustee or member of the College Senior Management Team, please email [email protected]