Contact us

The College is committed to delivering an excellent service to our members and stakeholders. If you have any enquires or would like to get in touch with a particular department, please see below to find the correct contact email. 

We operate a hybrid model of working, with staff based in the office at least 2 days a week. We warmly welcome all members to pay us a visit and use our exclusive members' and trainees meeting rooms and workspaces. Should you be visiting and wish to meet a specific individual, please contact them to make an appointment in advance.

When you telephone us, we aim to answer your call as promptly as possible. We will respond to emails as quickly as possible and within 2 working days.

How can we help?

AACs (interviews) and JD reviews

Matters concerning Advisory Appointments Committee (AAC) interviews and Job Description (JD) reviews are dealt with by the Workforce team at the College. For queries, please contact them at: 

Coroner's Regulation 28 Report to Prevent Future Deaths

For handling Coroner’s PFD Reports that require a formal response from the College, please contact:

CPD and our online CPD portfolio

The College runs a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) portfolio where members can record their CPD, and produces resources which help our members to keep up to date within their field. You can find out more about the College CPD services here

For specific queries regarding CPD, please contact:

Events and conferences

The College delivers a vibrant public engagement programme aimed at raising awareness and understanding of pathology. If you are running a pathology-related event or activity for a public (non-specialist) audience, you can register it with us here. You can also view our calendar of public events

Furthermore, the College facilitates numerous conferences, providing a broad range of opportunities to further the education of pathologists and medical professionals. The College welcomes proposals from Fellows and Members interested in organising a College symposium or other event. This can be held our bespoke venue at [email protected], or further afield. 

Please contact the events team for more details:


The College sets the standard for postgraduate pathology examinations in the UK, developing and delivering the FRCPath, Diploma and Certificate examinations across 23 pathology specialties. 

Please view our Frequently Asked Questions regarding examinations to see if your query can be answered. 

If you still need help, please contact the exams team:

The LEPT system

The Learning Environment for Pathology Trainees (LEPT) system is an ePortfolio which is designed to capture trainees' progress during training. 

In line with new curricula for chemical pathology and the cellular pathology specialties, published in August 2021, a new LEPT platform has been developed. Access to the LEPT system is under the Popular Resources heading here

If you still require assistance, please contact: 

Media, communications and advocacy enquiries

For any enquiries regarding media, communications, or the College's advocacy work, please contact:

Medical examiners

The College is the lead medical royal college for medical examiners, and plays a key role in the training of medical examiners and medical examiner officers.

Please see our medical examiner webpages for more information on the role of medical examiners, training and frequently asked questions.

If your query is not answered there, please contact the team here:

Member engagement and support

The College is dedicated to listening to your feedback, in order to provide an excellent service to our members. We are really keen to hear about your membership experiences and how we can improve your experience.

Please contact us with your questions, comments or feedback at:


Membership and subscriptions

The Royal College of Pathologists is a charity with over 10,000 members worldwide, across 19 pathology specialties playing an important role in disease prevention, treatment and monitoring.

Becoming a member unlocks a host of benefits, including access to training and continuing professional development (CPD), access to events, and professional guidance and support. 

Please see our membership pages for more information on membership, fees, and frequently asked questions. 

If you have further questions regarding your membership, including renewals and subscriptions, please contact:

Pathology Portal

Developed by the College, the Pathology Portal is an innovative, adaptive learning platform to support trainees and practicing pathologists in digital learning.

We are keen for additional pathology specialty content contributions. Please contact the Pathology Portal team if you would like to contribute, if you have suggestions for content or would like more information:

Public Engagement

As a College, one of our key objectives is to inspire the next generation of pathologists. Many medical students and members of the public aren’t particularly aware of pathology, or of the essential role it plays in our healthcare system. That is why our public engagement work is so valuable.  

There are a number of opportunities to work with the College on public engagement activities, from giving careers talks to medical students and foundation doctors, to becoming a Pathology Ambassador, to helping out during National Pathology Week

Please get in touch with our Public Engagement team for more information:


For any queries regarding training, please contact:

Website technical support/feedback

We are always looking for ways to improve our website based on your valuable feedback. If you are having trouble finding or using something on our website, please let us know at:

Workforce planning and support

For any enquiries regarding College activities in workforce planning, data and support, please contact the workforce team:

Chief Executive/College President

To contact the College President or Chief Executive, please contact their assistants on the details below:

Dr Bernie Croal - President, Royal College of Pathologists 
Maxine Mantle Executive Assistant to the President & Honorary Officers 020 7451 6714

Daniel Ross Chief Executive
Fiona Addiscott Business Administration Officer 020 7451 6726

General Enquiries

If none of the above contacts are relevant, please see our general enquiries contact below: