Named College lectures
The College has eight named lectures per annum
Kindred societies may bid to host these lectures (except the Foundation) at their national meetings in accordance with the following criteria:
- Approaches should be made in writing to the Chief Executive ( suggesting the name, with biographical details of the proposed lecturer, and a brief statement in support of the request.
- Nominations can be submitted at any time. Bids will be considered at each meeting of the Trustee Board as appropriate, and would normally be allocated on a first come first served basis.
- The College reserves the right to request alternative nominations.
- The College will, after the Trustee Board, formally write to the successful guest lecturer inviting them to speak.
- The College President or a nominated Deputy will normally introduce the lecturer.
- No speaker may deliver the same named lecture more than once, but they may be proposed for an alternative one.
- Limited expenses will be reimbursed for UK travel and overnight accommodation if appropriate.