Professor Freddie Flynn Bursary Prizes

Applications for the Freddie Flynn Bursary Prizes 2025 are now open to support LabMedUK25 (10–12 June). Click here for event details.

If you are a trainee and would like to attend the Association for Laboratory Medicine’s (LabMed) annual national scientific and education meeting event, you can apply for funding from the College.

The Professor Freddie Flynn Bursary Prizes award up to 5 bursaries of up to £750 each for trainees attending the full two-day LabMedUK25 conference.

Who can apply? 

Applicants are accepted from medical or clinical scientist trainees on recognised UK training programmes, in either laboratory or clinical aspects of Clinical Biochemistry/Chemical Pathology. The award will be made only once to any individual. However, unsuccessful applicants may reapply at subsequent rounds.

What is covered? 

Each bursary will cover up to £750 of travel and accommodation costs, and 50% of LabMedUK25 delegate rate, when booking a 2-day conference ticket. LabMed will fund the remaining 50% of the delegate fee for successful applicants. Both organisations will pay the bursary retrospectively, on presentation of receipts and your event write-up (see below). 

How do I apply?

Applications should be made on the attached form and sent to the College via Fiona Addiscott, Business Administration Officer (using the contact information contained in the application form) and received no later than 5pm on Thursday, March 27 March 2025.

Applications for the 2025 bursaries are now open.

Following the event, recipients will be required to submit a short write-up (approximately 500 words) for consideration to be published in the College Bulletin. This report should focus on some aspect of the meeting, the work that they presented, or a summary of the sessions they attended together with how the event will improve their career pathway.

How are applicants selected? 

Applications will be considered by a panel comprising members of our Specialist Advisory Committee in Clinical Biochemistry. The panel members may have some discretion in identifying and encouraging applications, however where it is necessary for the committee to vote, members with any conflicts of interest will declare these and will withdraw from the voting process.

About Professor Freddie Flynn

Professor Freddie Flynn (6 October 1924 – 4 July 2011) was responsible for major developments in UK pathology in the latter half of the 20th century. 

Freddie’s name is principally associated with developments in clinical computing but his interests went far wider than that. During the ’80s his clinical laboratory work blossomed, his computing developments became something we would recognise today and, as one of his numerous College activities, and as Director of CPD he laid the groundwork for the College’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme, which he then directed in the mid-1990s. Among numerous positions at the College, he was Vice-President from 1975 to 1978 and Treasurer from 1978 to 1983. He was also President of the Association of Clinical Pathologists from 1989 to 1990. Freddie donated funds to the College to establish the RCPath Flynn lecture.

The Fund has grown and now allows us the opportunity to award up to 5 bursary prizes of up to £750 each for trainees to attend the LabMed's national  meeting, LabMedUK in each year.