Dr Neera Patel Travelling Bursary

If you’re a trainee and would like to attend an international meeting you can apply for funding from the College.
The family of the late Dr Neera Patel have established a fund in her memory. This fund is designed to support one trainee each year who hopes to develop an interest in breast or head and neck pathology, to attend an international meeting in histopathology.
Applicants are accepted from trainees, on recognised UK training programmes, in either laboratory or clinical aspects of histopathology. Medical students and biomedical science undergraduates wishing to present work relevant to the field will be considered. The award will be made only once to any individual, however, unsuccessful applicants may reapply at subsequent rounds.
Individuals will be given priority if they can demonstrate an interest in breast or head and neck pathology
The bursary has an annual budget of up to £1000 to cover travel, accomodation and conference registration. One award will be available per year. The award will be paid retrospectively on presentation of receipts and your event write-up (see below).
To apply for the bursary prize, please contact [email protected]
Follow the event, recipients will be required to submit a short write-up (approximately 500 words) for consideration to be published in the College Bulletin. This report should focus on some aspect of the meeting, the work that they presented or a summary of the session they attended together with how the event will improve their career pathway
Applications for the bursary should be directed to [email protected]
How are applicants chosen?
Applications will be considered by a panel comprising members of our Specialist Advisory Committee in Cellular Pathology. The panel members may have some discretion in identifying and encouraging applications, however where it is necessary for the Committee to vote, members with any conflicts of interest will declare these and will withdraw from the voting process.